Makes sense... (Strong language)

Context is be important verily. But I pedantic. Trouble.

HIT Butter Cup of Absurdity is matched only by the wizard.

Hinduism started no more than 6000BC, while modern humans first appeared in the fossil record in Africa about 195,000 years ago. Hmm. Think before you speak. Oh! And look, all of those times that you stated as being worse, those are all while there was religion and politics. I’m not mad at all, I’m just wondering where your information comes from, because you are INSANELY off… It’s all opinion. Some peoples opinions are a bit more thought through and supported than others.

So I take it you’re a fan of “primitive camping”. :slight_smile:

Yup, and only 16 years of life experience puts you at a disadvantage you can’t really help. But you might want to keep it in mind.

Obviously, as all the evidence of that time period suggests.

aaaaaand the wizard returns

I was giving examples. Also, how would you know how life was like 195,000 years ago? No one does. There are no records, and what we know is only based on small amounts of evidence, none of which shows that life then was in any way better than now.

When was there a time without religion and government? Even in the paleolithic era, people formed basic political organizations and had primitive religious beliefs.

What did I say that was off?

Excellent link, Terry. That was hilarious. From the responses I’ve read it appears that no one watched it. I didn’t hear one reference to the 60’s, the Beatles, Hinduism, or the domestication of animals in the video. I wonder where all of that came from?