Murder: A fairly long time
Manslaughter: A little less time than the above
Criminally Negligent Homicide (killing someone by accident while driving drunk): Somewhere in between the two above
Rape: A fairly long time
Statutory Rape (18 year old girl with her 16 year old boyfriend, his parents press charges): None.
Shoplifting: Community service of some sort
Burglary: Serious community service, perhaps some time
Robbery of person: A while
Bank Robbery: Definitely some time
Sale of Cocaine (1 ounce): Community service, a face-to-face sit down with a family that has lost a loved one to drug addiction, and a real job
Sale of Heroin (1 ounce): ditto
Sale of Marijuana (1 ounce): ditto minus the sit down
Possession of Cocaine (1 ounce): Community service
Possession of Heroin (1 ounce): Community service
Possession of Marijuana (1 ounce): You’re joking, right?
Marriage fraud (helping an immigrant become a citizen): The sex has to be bad.
Telephone harassment (leaving a telephone message angrily calling the person dirty names): Socratically styled weekly hour long phone conversations with BTM on the subject of his choice.
Monkey: The impact on the victim varies, and that is often taken into consideration when sentencing. Also the level of confrontation, how much the victim was scared, how much our entire financial system depends on banks NOT being robbed, etc. So shoplifting is usually much less than bank robbery, even if the amounts (shoplifting a 10,000 gown or jewelry) is more than the bank robber usually gets.
I think it becomes homicide because it was during the commission of another felony, like drunk driving, or really excessive speeding, which you are responsible for. Not just being distracted.
SHe goes to high school with her boyfriend. She has to drop out, and become a burden to society??
What’s SAP??
Same punishment for rape as murder??? Interesting.
I agree with the above-quoted ones, especially the rape punishments…I have absolutely no sympathy for rapists, as that is, in my eyes, the worst crime someone is able to commit.
Billy you are suprising me!
what about more common crimes such as:
selling something that does not exist (or/and violates the law of physics)
boasting that you make a 140% margin in front of your client
being a client of the abovementioned and admiring him for fleecing you
devising procedures with no relation to anything real (a common sin amongst managers)
forcing subordinates to implement a strategy designed by top brass but found by underlings to be technically irrelevant (“party line” strategy for middle management)
adopting a technical fad whilst ignoring advices from experienced people
and investing a lot of money in something bound to fail!
adopting a “worlwide” profile that ignores that other cultures and conditions exist in far far away countries (for instance requiring a “state” in your address, or requiring a middle initial in your name …)
writing software that “knows better” than the end user
writing tests in english with totally ambiguous sentences that could be interpreted in a dozen of ways, pile up negations, or is dependent in a context which is not explicited (common in many exams)
teaching with slides with bullets full of assertions that let you think you are a moron that needs to be told that 2 is more than one (with numerous examples to prove it)
… (long list)
what about the reintroduction of galleys for those: that would lower pollution of minds and skies altogether!
Possibly, so a longer punishment for second offense, then even longer for third, etc…just do what needs to be done to make sure this person doesn’t do it again, and if that means locking 'em up forever, that sucks a lot, but it may be necessary.
Haha just about everybody in the prison system would be killed if left up to you.
Also what if the student was in middle school or even elementary school when the Statutory rape took place. I mean there have been kinds 13-15 in elementary schools so it is not really that crazy of a question.
If 14 witness on a train identifies you holding it up, then its very likely that you did it. INSTANT DP. Most countries that I’ve been to with VERY strict laws usually don’t execute without clear evidence. For example, that minister in China that was recently executed for allowing bad food into the China and bad food allowed to be shipped out. He was taking bribes and it was COMPLETELY obvious. INSTANT DP! If congress people had the same penalties in the US, I think they would think LONG and HARD about corruption. Enron, CLEARLY OBVIOUS!
These places violent crimes are very rare.
And the difference between Murder 1 and manslaughter is Murder 1 is premeditated. You just O.J.'d someone flat out! It was planned out.
Anytime where theres strong doubt, I don’t agree with DP. But when it’s clear to 50 witnesses, on camera, or your driving a new MB Maybach on a $60k government salary, then I agree with instant DP. It’s fast and effective. It sends a clear message to people!
You can’t make it up to the victim, though. Revenge isn’t reimbursement. You steal $200 from a gas station, you have to pay it back, and then you go to jail to be punished.
It’s not a rape anyway. If both participants gave their consent, it’s just parents being stupid. I think a 16 year old has the right to decide whom to have sex with, even if the law says otherwise.