The wife has been away on holyday this week, so my diet now consists of 100% pizza. I have become an pizza expert now, so I have made this tutorial to help feed my fellow unicyclists.
I liked how you were able to remain standing (and even juggle!) after drinking all that wine. Unicycling truly helps develop the balance!
A decent post, in decent taste
I prefer mine with garlic, extra mozzarella, possibly a little sausage (drained so it’s not greasy), and mushrooms. No pepperoni. I know this is a minority position, but it’s like music. No one is right or wrong as long as you like it. Except of course for that scratchy rap hip hop, and anchovies. That stuff just sucks.
A pretty good tutorial though.
The large round wheel nature of pizza makes it ideally suited to uncyclists.
My favourite pizza is seafood.
Many years ago I made pizza from very basic ingredients. Made the dough from flour, grew the tomatoes, milked the cow, made the cheese and cooked it all in a wood fired oven.
I have eaten a pizza that had just been ridden over by a unicycle pizza cutter! This was in front of an audience at the 1999 USA National Unicycle Convention. The uni-cutter didn’t make it very far across the pizza, but it still tasted good.
I think Mikefule’s 700c bacon slicer has a new calling,