Make Me A Unicycle And I Will Buy It!

Well, don’t actually go out and build me one from iron ore and silicon, but piece one together online for me. I want to get into drops and all those cool things; flying down 500 steps, hopping up 5 pallets, dropping from a 15ft wall!

No, not all that crazy, but you get what I mean. I want what the pro’s have.

Money? Chata! I will sell my car for it! Fo sho!

So, let me know, list with prices and where to get it. And by next summer, I should be competing with Kris Holm… hah!

I donno, but I think there’s a few good ones on this site called

yeah I was looking at them on there and I think I may go with the KH24-inch Mountain. I like the blue…

Yeah, it is pretty…what kind of riding do you want to get into?

-Triton Sponge frame
-KH hub
-Qu-Ax cranks
-Gusset Slim Jim pedals
-black spokes with gold nipples
-black thompson elite seat-post
-CF seatbase
-KH freeride seat foam and cover
-Koxx one gold seatpost clamp

that’s what I would build up if I had the money…

is all this on I can’t find the triton sponge frame

nope, it’s all over the place… OH I forgot the rim… umm… Alex DX32 rim… anyway the Triton Sponge frame is available through Sponge… on the forums… it’s Ti frame… made to order…

Why qu-ax cranks? Those things kill your ankles. Trust me, I’ve ridden them a lot.

Edit: and here’s the Tri[THREAD=59554]ton Sp[/THREAD]onge frame thread. If you want to order one, pm Gazza or Sponge.

Triton spomge frame in 325mm.
Ti seat post 200mm
Cf base with k1 luxury faom/ cover with pull strings put on
Kh hub
Qu-ax cromom cranks in 145mm with numbs ground down
Ti spokes in black/ black nipples
undrilled koxx rim
wellgo mags with long pins

Well… if money isnt important :smiley:


-Triton frame
-V!Z rim (they have many colours: )
-ti spokes (v!z also carries this )
-Nimbus hub
-Quax or KH cranks (whatever you like… the quax are a bit lighter and you have to grind down the nub)
-Monty Eagle claw tire
-pedals… for trialsriding i recommend the Point Racing B77 / for street the Quax magnesium (and if you dont like the colour you can get them in another for the doubled price from another company :smiley: )

Now there are 2 choices for the seat and seatpost:
option 1:
-quax alu seatpost with gusset
-kh style CF base + streetfusion seat
option 2:
-Thompson seatpost
-Scott Wallis CF Base
-Deathgrip handle
-a foam you like :smiley: (dont know what will fit a SW base… never had one. i use option 1 )

and of course a seatclamp in a matching colour. Doesnt matter what brand… they are all the same.

grind 'em down?

Just get a KH off and don’t worry about it.

Or, get the Qu-Ax from and save some money, it’s still plenty strong and beefy and cool.

Sorry, I didn’t come up with prices, but these items are really popular! Every one showed up on the first page of my Google search, so that must mean something…

I heard there were reports of riders flying through the air when using the frame, rim and cranks I specified, so it’ll help you with those drops.

Frame: Reynolds UL fork
Hub: Suzue
Spokes: 13GA Steel
Rim: Forte Pro SL
Tire: AC Gilbert
Cranks: Campagnolo
Pedals: Roush
Seat: Universal

Good luck! Show us a picture of your uni when you’ve got it together.

^^^^HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…that just made my WEEK…rofl

Am I alone in thinking that seat would be awesome if it were sized for adults?

Yeah, I could. But I’ve improved my technique and rarely notice them anymore. Also, qu-ax cranks rip your shoes when you do crankroll tricks.

I vote for Moments.

yeah and i thompson seat post :wink: