Magic: The Gathering

I was unicycling, and some little kids I was babysitting made me play a game called magic on the playground, but I dont think its the same thing you guys are talkig about, I forget what I call it.

I just finished building my green/black deck. and me, my bro, and my cousin are going to split on a lot of about 7000 cards on ebay.

I got into it when I went to art school, and had a group of 10 or so people to play with.

Here’s why Magic is/was/can be worth learing/playing/investing. At least, at Chester College…

I won $12 in a poker tournament. With that, I bought Magic cards. A month later, with that deck, I won $25 in a Magic tournament. I took that money and bought a poker set. Then I sold the deck for $20.

Two weeks ago, I was pretty hard up for money, so I sold nine cards to the local card shop. That money fed me for more than a week.

If anyone is just looking to get rid of some cards, I might be willing to buy. (See note above as reference to how poor I am, but I could give you a little money for 'em)

Thank you for taking time out of your day to come into this thread which you clearly know and care little about just to make fun of us. The fact that you google image searched “nerds” seems to be an instance of the pot calling the kettle black here. I would consider getting together with bunches of friends to hang out and play some cards a lot less nerdy than sitting at home alone on the computer trolling random threads.

Steve, I never got around to selling any cards. I came close. I took an inventory of everything I had of value and was pretty close to doing what you described (selling playsets of the good stuff then selling the rest in a lot) but my financial situation improved and I never actually needed money bad enough to sell them. Kind of glad now that I didn’t, since when I came back from school I started playing again, and recently I have been going to 2 tourneys a week at the local shop (1 constructed standard, 1 draft per week) and have been having bunches of fun without spending too much dough.

Anybody play type 2 seriously? If so what are you playing? Right now I am running Red Deck Wins (cheap creatures and lots of burn to finish the game off) and Rule of One (Blue White Control with Rule of Law, Teferi and lots of counterspells) and have been doing pretty well.

It’s called a sense of humor. What happened to yours, Obie? You used to have some wit…

Obviously you lost the last pair I gave you, so have these:

…they’ll help you pull that stick out of your a$$.

There’s a difference between ‘wit’ and putting up some random intentionally insulting picture. Usually your off-topic responses are pretty funny, but that was just lame.

On-topic: I used to play the game online fairly casually, just cause I didn’t know anyone else who played. It was kinda fun.

Maestro8 is an image search fiend. :roll_eyes:

I guess I’ve been giving you too little slack since you called me out on the Libby thing.

Pliers!? I’ll use stump remover thank you very much.

I’ve played on and off for a few years. I’ve got a few decks, but that’s it.

OH YEAH!?!?!? Well my Phage already attacked you and dealt you combat damage BEEEEEEEEOTCH!! 5 mana for a RACTOH sux, even if it is in 10th.

But seeweeously,
If any of you want to play online or at a uni meet, let me know and I’ll bring a deck or two, a lot of our decks have been constantly remodeled for years by a group of solid pre-IA players, and as such they never lose against other decks and even against our own they put up solid fights shy of a mana screw or a bad player. We usually just leave certain decks to the side for big matches, or play team-up games against them. Generally, you have to win by turn 4/5 against them or you’ve already lost. All of the 40+ decks we have are solid-playing and tough to beat, and ready for various styles of tournament play be it t1, t1.5, t2, unlimited or whatever. Unfortunately, the group of nerds that meet regularly around here are super annoying and suck at the game. They brag about shiddy netdecks and then never know how to play their deck properly, a large portion of them only seem concerned with trading the cards as well(while I understand magic was the first TCG ever, sacrificing trading cards for learning the game is ridiculous). Luckily, we have enough players and play enough that we qualify for the Friday night magic benefits(IE:free cards/notics about events), even though we generally meet around tuesday or wednesday.

SO if any of you want to be skooled right quick at the game lemme know.:smiley: :smiley:

Where can one play online?

Magic players tend to be a little sensitive to insults about it. The game itself is not nerdy. Just like there’s a million uber-nerd Halo-addicts, it is not an inherently nerdy game. What’s the difference between a fantasy about killing space aliens with a plasma sword and a fantasy about planeswalkers killing each other?

Whatever little token combo was posted a little while ago, that’s a helluva lot of mana for not an extraordinary yield.

Here’s a fun one…

Particularly nice if you have a creature that is indestructable.

Does that combo even work? If your creature can’t be the target of spells or abilities are you still able to equip it? I don’t know how “equip” works since I am still catching up with all the “new” rules since I stopped playing, but I was assuming it would be like giving a creature an “enchant creature” and if that is the case then it wouldn’t work b/c it can’t be the target of spells or abilities.

The difference between equipment and enchant creatures (nowadays called “auras” and the card text specifies what type of card it can enchant) is equipment stays in play after a creature is destroyed. You can also move it from creature ot creature. If you equip worldslayer before equipping the whispersilk cloak, there’s no problem.

If you have an indestructable creature (Konda from Kamigawa, and there are a couple from Darksteel) that you do this with, after every permenant is destroyed, worldslayer and the creature are still in play, and still equipped.