I’m in a production of Once Upon a Mattress and need to learn how to make flowers appear as well as a few other simple magic tricks. The only trick metnioned in the script is the flowers, but it’s important becuase I use them to get rid of another character.
If any magicians here know how to make flowers appear and are willing to tell me I’d be most appreciative.
If the secrets are too secret, a PM would be awesome.
Well I’m no magicician, but I believe that if you place a seed from the flower you desire to make appear in some compost and water it regularly then a flower will sprout forth.
Helpfully yours,
Don’t I feel like an idiot.
I’ll get right on that.
PM vanished he a profesional he knows everything about magic and magic tricks i srtongly recommend him
I used to be a magician, though I never did this trick, mebbe I can be of some help.
there are fake flowers you can get that are made of some sort of feathery stuff, but they look real. you can have them crumpled up and hidden in your hand, then when you want them to appear you just release some pressure and they pop out, but make sure you hold on to the stem to make it look good.
now, where do you get these flowers? I’m not sure. I know you can get them at a magic store, and I /think/ you can get them at a crafts/arts supplies store if you look hard enough.
Do you have a magic shop nearby?
Seattle has a local magic shop where you can buy tricks and simple illusions. There may be a similar shop in your area. That would be your best source.