Magic 8 Ball! Show Yourself!

that’s right! Show yourself…

Go on… I dare you.

NOOO! I’m talking about Mr. Magic 8 Ball.

Re: Magic 8 Ball! Show Yourself!

Ask again later.

He’s just… Magic 8 Ball. If you’re trying to find the secret behind the magic, then shame on you, there is no secret, it’s MAGIC!! :smiley:

Wow…five posts about getting Magic 8 Ball to appear, and not a question in the bunch. Not sure you all are applying the correct strategy.

Hey Magic 8 Ball: Have these guys been applying the right strategy to get you to reply?

By George! The man’s a genius!

Re: Magic 8 Ball! Show Yourself!

yeah Logan, i dare you :wink:

Re: Re: Magic 8 Ball! Show Yourself!

naah, I think Magic 8 Ball came before Logan. I think it’s someone else. Elmer Fudd, on the other hand…

perhaps. but we may never know…

post in MR Michael

I will again. But something has to happen there first…

:thinking: :smiley:

My reply is no.

aHA, now Magic 8 Ball has proved that it doesn’t work!! here’s my thinking:

according to M8B, we haven’t been applying the right strategy to get him to reply. However, he did reply. Therefore, we WERE applying the right strategy to get him to reply. So he’s WRONG!! WRONG!!
Unless M8B meant that we weren’t applying the right strategy to get him to reply with his true identity… hmm.

The correct question is:

Can Gilby be bribed to tell us who else posts with the same IP address as Magic 8 Ball?

Gilby knows. Harper and AccordNSX as moderators may also know if they can see the IP address of people who post.


Not so fast Mr. Potter. Look at my first response, then look at the M8B reply. When you say “WE were applying the right strategy”, I think what you mean is “TOM was applying the right strategy.” :slight_smile:

Long Live Magic 8 Ball.

NO! secret chambers are much wanted. muy malo would it be to know secret chambers.

Re: Re: Re: Magic 8 Ball! Show Yourself!


Sixteen posts in four months. Do you think Logan could show such weestwaint?

Si, mi amigo. Papa told to me on the day of the burrito that the secret chambers should never be reveeled

Re: Re: Re: Re: Magic 8 Ball! Show Yourself!

No…and neither could Wogan.