This is getting moved from in a thread in RSU that I think should remain unjakked…
Taken from page 3 of this thread…
It may seem that way, but that is because you don’t know me. If you knew me (as Bevan does), you would know that I joke around with people. Bevan wasn’t offended or upset by this, so why the hell are you? You should consider being more open-minded and think before you post so rashly. At least let Bevan have the honor of defending himself if he is offended.
I could not care less about being on your ignore list. You (and many other people) use the ignore list rather stupidly. You tell me you put me on there like I am supposed to care. I am not losing anything, you are. I do not care one bit who reads my posts, as long as someone does. The ignore list is supposed to be used to prevent you from being able to see someone else’s posts, not to try (with great futility) to make them feel bad.
You should really lighten up. I was joking with a friend of mine. It wasn’t even anything offensive. Was Roger offended by Jag’s comment? No. Was Bevan offended by mine? NO! Was it your place to try to come to his defense if he was? No.
Actually, I am quite a nice person to be around, at least thats the impression I get from the people who like me. I may sometimes come off as a dick online, but I am a good guy. There are many members of this forum who can attest to that.
As for the threat…that just shows how much of a fool you are. I’m not even going to get into that. I also refuse to get into an ego battle with you as to who would win in a fight, but just be aware that I am very confident in my ability to defend myself.
I still don’t see how I was picking on him. He is a friend of mine, and I was joking with him. I “pick on” all of my friends to their faces. Even people who aren’t my friends get ribbed, but I try to judge their character first to make sure they aren’t a violent idiot like yourself.