Maestro's comment to Obie...

This is getting moved from in a thread in RSU that I think should remain unjakked…

Taken from page 3 of this thread…


It may seem that way, but that is because you don’t know me. If you knew me (as Bevan does), you would know that I joke around with people. Bevan wasn’t offended or upset by this, so why the hell are you? You should consider being more open-minded and think before you post so rashly. At least let Bevan have the honor of defending himself if he is offended.

I could not care less about being on your ignore list. You (and many other people) use the ignore list rather stupidly. You tell me you put me on there like I am supposed to care. I am not losing anything, you are. I do not care one bit who reads my posts, as long as someone does. The ignore list is supposed to be used to prevent you from being able to see someone else’s posts, not to try (with great futility) to make them feel bad.

You should really lighten up. I was joking with a friend of mine. It wasn’t even anything offensive. Was Roger offended by Jag’s comment? No. Was Bevan offended by mine? NO! Was it your place to try to come to his defense if he was? No.

Actually, I am quite a nice person to be around, at least thats the impression I get from the people who like me. I may sometimes come off as a dick online, but I am a good guy. There are many members of this forum who can attest to that.

As for the threat…that just shows how much of a fool you are. I’m not even going to get into that. I also refuse to get into an ego battle with you as to who would win in a fight, but just be aware that I am very confident in my ability to defend myself.

I still don’t see how I was picking on him. He is a friend of mine, and I was joking with him. I “pick on” all of my friends to their faces. Even people who aren’t my friends get ribbed, but I try to judge their character first to make sure they aren’t a violent idiot like yourself.

Re: Maestro’s comment to Obie…

now who would that be kev?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

believe it or not, i just illustrated the point that kevin was trying to make in this thread. even though many people will not know this, kevin and i are friends who speak with each other outside of the forum. therefore he will not take offence to the [terrible] joke i just made.

i think that it is pretty obvious from kevin’s posts that he is just joking and not malicious in any way, but you wouldnt know that if he was on your ignore list and you couldnt see his posts…

I believe, vaguely apropos of this topic, in what I call “The Asshole Factor”.

The degree to which someone is an asshole gets bumped up several notches on the Internet. Because we express ourselves with more abandon, somewhat anonymously, without the body language and facial expressions associated with fact-to-face communication, and with little or no regard to the age of our readers, we all behave several degress more assholishly than we otherwise would.

One who is by general standards not an asshole will come off as a bit of one. A moderate asshole will be that much more of one. And a complete asshole will be largely intolerable.

The corollary of this, however, is that while each of us is more of an asshole on the Internet than in our non-virtual life, our tolerance level for what we consider to be assholish behavior remains the same in both.

It is also not surprising that among the three newsgroups I frequent,,, and alt.arts.bodyart, the first has the least assholish behavior, the second an average amount, and the last an alarming amount, so much so that I’ve all but abandoned it.

yeah… if you can’t see or hear the way something is meant, you can unintentionally come off as an asshole, and i am guilty of having been more of an ass on the internet than in person (not here yet, its not smart for the newb to be an ass) and you don’t even realise till after usually

Re: Maestro’s comment to Obie…

I wasn’t upset by a single comment you made but I was upset by the fact that you needled the kid in several different threads… even pulling material from one thread to use in another. It shows you’re going out of your way to be an ass. If being an ass to someone is your idea of a joke, notice how many people are laughing, and then reconsider your actions.

Well, thanks for your opinion, but I use the ignore list to keep the signal-to-noise ratio in my readings down to a minimum. And as I noted in RSU, your posts seem to be more noise than signal. I feel there is no loss here.

Again, thanks for your opinion, but I’m not hearing it. Bev’s got a special place in my heart and if I feel someone’s mistreating him I’ll speak up. Sure he might not have been offended, but is that open license to take random shots at him? Well, it looks like you’ve already made your decision on that one…

Confidence is what you feel before you comprehend the situation, my friend. Confidence leads to laziness, and laziness leads to death.

I grew up in a town where kids got beat when they mouthed off. It’s obvious you didn’t. The world’s a rough place… if you can’t take an idle threat from some yahoo across the Internet without crying to all your buddies in the forum, I’d suggest you kick your own ass just to see what life can be like.

You must be a great friend. As well, a great judge of character. I applaud you. Now shut up and go ride.

Edit: Being a “violent idiot,” I completely mangled the markup tags. Fixed.

Re: Re: Maestro’s comment to Obie…

I seriously can’t believe how much of a moron you are.

I pointed out how he was wrong about something. How could you possibly miscontrue that to be anything even slightly malicious? Oh, right…moron, I forgot.

Then why do you feel compelled to tell me I’m on your ignore list? You’re either trying to make me feel bad or trying to make yourself look better.

Sure does. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll stop being my friend. He’s still my friend, so I guess it’s not a problem with him. Although I’m still unsure how this is “taking a shot” at him.

I grew up in a city where people got shot to death for being white. Southwest Philadelphia. I had to fight my way through school, then go home to a drug abusing father who would belt me at the first sign of acting up. Members of my family have been murdered, one shot 11 times, a mere 3 months ago. I can go on. Tell me about life…

I bet there are numerous people who would attest to that, including your buddy Bevan.

It’s dinner time…

Your observation is timely and keen. I have never heard of such a factor, but it seems to hit the nail on the head here. Being a bit of a brash person in the “real world” I can see the amplification in some of my own posts.

What these boards do provide, however, is a chance to stop and carefully consider one’s words before posting. This is a chance that is not taken by many, and I’ve “jumped the gun” myself (as in my late-night-sleepless-and-grumpy posting to DuhSlowbieOne).

Face to face conversation doesn’t offer such an opportunity, and carries the quality of immediate reaction, perhaps a better indicator of one’s true personality. Through the keyboard one can more carefully choose the personality they exhibit.

This leads me back to my earlier observation. FlowbieScum consciously chooses to portray himself as a heckler. Now I don’t have any degrees in psych., but I don’t believe I need one to know what this says about his personality.

I haven’t forgotten that humans are dynamic beings, having the capability to change at any moment, for the good or for the bad. Life is infinitely full of possibilities. There may come a day where DoughboyOne sees the light, and when that day comes, I’ll put my fat knuckle sandwich on ice and offer him an apology and a nice frosty brew.

In the meantime, the sandwich will remain in Saran Wrap, in the back of my fridge with the rest of the unidentifiable, unopenable unmentionables. No one likes a heckler.

Maestro, for some reason your discussion with Obie seems pretty one-sided, but I can’t quite figure out why…

Oh yeah…

Because of this:
[edit: thanks again Gilby, the ignore list puts the ‘fun’ in ‘functional’]


It seems we have a rather fine pissing contest here.

Deal with your childish problems with kev outside of the forums this thread isn’t even worth JC.

Bottom Line _

Kev is a great Friend and a fun guy.

Re: Re: Re: Maestro’s comment to Obie…

Then don’t. You only know me through my Internet postings. Being such a good judge of character, you should know personal interaction gives one a better sense of whom they’re dealing with. Being a good friend to all, you should know better than to “pass judgement” on someone before you get to know them.

I am not trying to judge you, but I am trying to give you some perspective on your public interactions with others. My bad. Ramble on, my confused friend.

In your narrow field of view, these are the only two options you percieve. You failed to see the intention that I might be personally evaluating your contribution to the forum. Let me translate my earlier statement for you: “I am tailoring the forum to suit my taste, and I find you tasteless.” I know I am not alone here.

Pointing out one’s misquotes, repeatedly, is malicious, IMHO. Just because a dog doesn’t bite your foot the first time you kick him doesn’t mean you can keep on kicking.

Save the stories for your therapist. Everyone has been through some sh!t growing up. Southwest wherever pales in comparison to Dresden, Dachau and Auschwitz. I am lucky to have been born, and am greatful for every day I live on this planet, blessed with the full use of my body and mind. You should be too.

The point is, there are psychopathic individuals in every city, town and, generally, wherever humans are found. Learn from your experiences. Watch your mouth when you are in mixed company. Give respect and you will get respect. Live, love, laugh, but ferchrissakes stop pissing in our pool!

Telling me that you’re a good friend and a nice guy after attempting to ream me a new a–hole seems a little oxymoronic. Weren’t you calling me a moron earlier?

Enjoy your shit soup and cock sandwich, my friend.

Hey, guess what. I know you’re reading this post! I just have one thing to say:

Fuck you! I don’t care that I’m on your block list! Stop wasting everyone’s time.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Maestro’s comment to Obie…

Isn’t that basically what you did to me? When you look at everything you have said so far, you realize that you’re a hardcore hypocrite!

Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your method of giving advice was threats.

I’m just saying that posting it is totally idiotic. I don’t care, nobody else cares.

I did it once. Nobody cared except you. Doesn’t that tell you something?

What shit have you been through? I feel bad for your grandparents. They lived through some tough shit. But you didn’t live through the holocaust. Your argument is completely irrational.

Oh yeah, NEWS FLASH! Everyone is born. We’re all so lucky that Adam didn’t get his dick chewed off by a turtle, because then none of us would be here.

You’re just rambling now…spouting random things you heard. There are more psychos in a city of 2 million than in a town. I don;t even know what to say to the rest, you didn’t say anything sensible at all.

Nice! Another stupid argument, followed by immature use of words about my “no-no zone.” I’ll be a great friend for people I like, but shit like you is a waste of my time. I’m going to stop arguing with you now, since you’re a moron, and not worth my time.

oh boy, was that ever funny! i want that on a bookmark sold at Borders…

damn im still laughing…:smiley:

Yeah, posting on the internet is hard sometimes like J said, cause people interpret what you say the way they think your saying it * shrug*. When really if they’d hear your voice * screech* or see your body language high step, then they’d know what you really meant * pirouetee*.

To resolve this issure i’ve devised a plan * sticks pointer finger in the air*. We should all sit in one room, to post on this forum. Then if theres any misunderstandings, we can just get each others attention and ask what was really meant.

Sound good??? ok, now all we need is a really rich person who comes here to fund us moving to the same location, and posting all day. Oh wait, we unicycle, so we’ve either spent all our money on unicycles, or don’t get paid for what we really wanna do, unicycle professionally… ok, never mind.


My Views

We must have an intelligent forum; a forum in which our children and our grandchildren will play and post with other smart children; a forum in which they will ride with and meet other young people of our own IQ level; forum in which all their offspring will be beautiful, healthy intelligent babies—never maestro-like invalids. We must have a forum without swarming maestro-like filth in our forum, on our uni’s and in our places of work; a forum in which our cultural, social, business and political life is free of stupid kids like maestro; a forum in which cool people are the sole masters of our own destiny.
We must have a foreign policy which is based only on the long-term interests of our forum, not on the interest of other dumb forums or on dumb maestro-like kids or anything else. We must never again let Rec.Sport.Unicycling be led into a fratricidal war like the last two world wars, for the sake of dumb, overly defensive efforts. We must rid ourselves of the suicidal, anti-joke insanity which has determined this forum’s attitude towards the other cool people like Obie for so long. We must learn to look on Obie-like men around the world, in Australia, South Africa, Europe and elsewhere, as our dope kinsmen and natural allies.
We must build a new society based on dopeness values rather than monetary or materialistic values. In a real cool man’s society a man’s worth, his social rank, his opportunity to contribute meaningfully to his forum must not depend on his ability to adapt to an essentially maestro-like system of values and to learn to play the “defend my friend for attention, although I am stupid”. We must have a new social order in which a man’s esteem and position depend first of all upon the extent to which he applies his natural abilities to the service of his forum.
We must put an end to both useless posting and thread-jacking in the forum. There must be no place for parasites who draw their sustenance from good threads without giving anything in return. Those who thrive on usury, speculation, forum-manipulation, and over-posting form a special class today whose primary interest is the maintenance of the system which allows their form of parasitism to flourish in the first place. We must have a forum based on the long-term interests of the man who posts for a valid information, not the chronic loafer (IE: maestro) or the man who lives by thread jacking and atrocious spelling.
We must have a forum in which dope men and women can post and share, in their homes and in the streets of our cities, without fear. We must have a forum which is not only a guarantor of public order and safety and which preserves the right of cool citizens to keep and to bear arms, which is the ancient hallmark of a truly free people, but we must have government which maintains an eternal vigilance against the enemies, both internal and external, of a clean forum. Every tendency towards denegeracy and subversion, every threat to our forum integrity, every form of organized crime (maestro-like attacks) and vice, every element which threatens public terror or chaos must be weeded out and utterly destroyed.
We must have a forum by responsible leaders, not maestro sympathizers. If we are to survive as a forum we must put an end to the catastrophic system of irresponsible misposting, and incompetent threads—a system in which none but the maestros and the unscrupulous may rise to the top. Instead, we must build a system which selects, for every level of government, the best, the strongest, and the wisest men the forum has to offer (IE: Gilby or Obie).
We must turn our people from their present path of misposting, misspelling, and egoism and inspire them with a new faith based on dopeness idealism. Only then can we replace the alienation and isolation of the individual which exist today with a sense of dumb communion. Only through a spiritual rebirth of our people can we achieve the profound reorientation which is a prerequisite for building a healthy forum and community.
We must encourage and promote every form of genuine dope cultural endeavor—and at the same time we must break the stupid monopoly which exists over our public opinion-forming media and flush down the drain the poisonous maestro-like degeneracy which today passes for defense, ignorance and acceptable. We must instill in our youth the appreciation for beauty and order that characterize a genuine dope man’s culture. We must awaken a new understanding of our dopeness and cultural heritage, so that the creative instincts of our people can once again find expression in a direction which will continually renew and enrich that heritage instead of degrading and debasing it.
We must make it an imperative duty of our government to protect the gifts which Nature has bestowed on our forum and to insure the maintenance of a clean, healthy, wholesome environment for our people. We must not only eliminate pollution and conserve our good-posts, but we must gradually bring about a whole new mode of posting in these forums, a mode with less emphasis on forcing man into a mold determined by a congested, neon-and-asphalt urban rat race (IE: maestro-types) and more emphasis on changing that mold to fit the dopeness propensities of forum man.
We must make it our most sacred task to ensure the betterment and safeguard the future of our forum. We must learn to place a higher value on the quality of our threads than of our posts. We must determine that each generation of our people will be of a higher quality than the one before. We must take measures to emphasize in our new members the best qualities of our people today and to eliminate their flaws and their weaknesses. To accomplish this aim we must be willing to put our duties to future generations of our dopeness ahead of the selfish whims of the present.
In conclusion, we must get rid of the maestro-types of today and promote an Obie like future for a new, better and healthier forum.

A good rule to go by is if someone is mean to you and picks on you, then they’re your friend. But if they’re not mean or rude, then they’re not. Example:

You might go slug your friend in the shoulder, or shove him/her into the mud puddle, right? But you certainly wouldn’t do that to a stranger. You like this friend of yours, which is why you shove him/her into the mud puddle.

Probably not the most convincing way to have phrased that. :slight_smile:


  • pushes James into a mud puddle, and punches Andrew in the shoulder* owch! my hand!!!


I’m with Obie on this one. I’ve made a few posts and maestro8 has replied with just insults and non-useful/interesting/related opinions. Since then he has been on my ignore list. (not that this will bother him!)

I thought Obie was a bit of a dick (sorry, man!) when all the long signature stuff was going on, but “The Asshole Factor” explains that away and now he seems ok.

But I read all of Maestro8’s posts in this thread and he comes off worse. He sounds to me like he thinks he’s dead clever and super-intelligent (he may well be) and that somehow makes him better than everyone else.

In his signature it says “Those are my principles. If you don’t like those, I have others. – Groucho Marx” Which I am sure is intended to let people know that this is how he thinks also.

Perhaps he should realise that other people have opinions too. If he doesn’t like them, they have others!


why u claim to be ‘sure’ about this i have no idea
surely that sig-line makes it perfectly clear that the statement was made by Groucho Marx
to assume that it must be his own life motto is unfair and possibly even incorrect

i just piped up here to ask the two combatants if they’d consider taking this to PMs?

or outside

handbags at ten paces, ladies?