Please explain to me how my refusing to respond to your childish comment makes me childish. You’re not making yourself look any cooler by commenting again in an even more childish manner.
I’d like to see you act this badass on facebook, after all, that’s just the internet too right?
Your intentions in defending Maestro are noble. You have an awesome philosophy on friendships – it will serve you well in life.
But really, I think Jason will just read this thread and laugh. Not that I agree with either person’s behavior, but he doesn’t seem all that bothered by being rude to people and inviting responses such as this one.
Also, I just had to jump on this thread to see if my reply might elicit any hilarious remarks from the original poster.
Maybe both of them just need a hug.
And also, a very valid reason for posting.
By the way, I got a 24 muni the other day, we’ll have to hit the trails when you’re in town. I’ll try to improve before then.
Obviously you haven’t seen most of my comments on peoples’ statuses.
So your just an asshole online, then in real life you’re actually nice to people?
How does that work out for you?
I just gave you a bunch of really good advice that took me a long time to realize and takes most people even longer to. I’m really hoping it wasn’t a waste of my time and that at least something seeped in to your tiny little hormone-raged brain. If not, then you’re just an ungrateful, close-minded, immature, and un-interesting human being.
I would like to say that “You’re the reason that people used to beat their children” but that would just be downright mean…
I’m compromising my morals here to hopefully teach you some form of a lesson. And maybe someone will come along and teach me a lesson, but at least I will be open-minded to their opinions of me and how I conduct myself.
Well, I’m an asshole to a lot of people in person to, but typically if i’m an ass to you irl, there’s a reason why.
Cool story bro.
Little man syndrome is an intriguing thing.
so is false maturity.
Once upon a time in a galaxy really close, the paths of two hydrogen atoms came very close to converging. Hydrogen Atom A apparently sloughed off a few electrons and was somewhat destabilized in his orbit. Hydrogen Atom B continued unabated in his trajectory as a stable nuclide with no neutrons and no commentary.
As a witness to this event an uninvolved Atom remarked “Oh, well. just stay positive” : )
Just out of curiosity, do you think before you type and send these extremely witty responses?
I understand there must be some form of a thought process going on, since you are forming real words and partial sentences. But it can’t be much of one.
thoroughly enjoyed this comment haha.
You win I guess, I can’t compete with that.
Maestro is a much better person than you could ever hope to be.
I love this thread.
I love Maestro’s comments and stuff too.
I’m curious if you are Christian. Because if you are, then are you saying Maestro is better than god? Because we can all hope to be god…
I’m not sure you made the point you were trying to make. Maybe try again?
I’m not in to trying a second time after I fail. I just give up usuallly.
I was just saying that you worded it strangely and I didn’t understand your meaning.
No. He is just saying that Maestro is better than Unibikeling. Right Dane?
You lost me there.
Correct, I have had much more civil conversations with Maestro than Unibikeling, at least Maestro responds like an intelligent human being.