Maestro, i'm sorry.

Just kidding. I was never friends with you and I don’t plan on making amends.

You know, he may be a bit abrasive, but he does have some very good information, and you would be foolish to burn a bridge like that in such a small community of people.

Also, it’s the internet, it’s much easier to just ignore comments than it is with a face-to-face conversation.

Lol. These things you tell me, I understand them.


as in, i’ve been aware of maestro for like 4 years now. I still don’t like him. This thread was supposed to be comedic.

I understand that, I don’t think in our history that I’ve gotten along with him either, but I’m not outright rude to him. I appreciate his knowledge, he is just perhaps someone I would not hang out with.

Well, then I guess we’re not on the same level here haha.

Have you ever met him in person? I don’t see a point in holding bitterness towards someone when you only know them through the internet, doesn’t matter in the end.

Oh great, I’m coming off as preachy now.

You’ve been on these forums less than 4 years.

…point being…?

You know him in real life?

hell no.

It’s hard to judge someone when all you know about them is through text via the internet. A lot is lost without the face-to-face interaction, and it is easy to misinterpret text. There have been numerous studies on this matter.

I try not to judge people on the internet until I have really met them.

I have known people who if you didn’t know them, and only had received emails from them or spoken with them on a forum, they would have seemed like a total jerk. But in fact they are the coolest person you’d ever want to hang out with, they just have bad online communication skills.

I am not saying this is the case here, but it is something to maybe think about.

eh. It’s the internet.

You’re right, who cares, it’s not like they are a real person too or anything.

This is sarcasm.

In person I might give a shit.

This is also sarcasm.


Very mature of you. :slight_smile: