Hi Folks,
It’s a small world these days. Everyday things we use are made all over the world.
I went to the hardware store today to buy a heavy duty scraper to help me remove the 6 layers of flooring from my kitchen. Made in Ireland! Wow, never seen that except for beer.
I have noticed that there are many Chinese tools on the market and the quality of the steel and manufacturing is quite fine. I never hesitate to buy those tools.
To my disappoint ment the wooden handle of the scraper broke within 2 hours of usage, I will return it for another and hope it was just a fluke.
I wondered if anyone else had been suprised where something was made and have there been any suprises of exceptional quality in those cases?
I returned the Irish scraper for a Chinese roofing spade of the same price. It’s working like a champ!
The problem with the last one wasn’t the steel or the wood, it was the direction inwhich the wooden handle was inserted into the steel shaft. When I pried with it, it bent the wood in the way it was weakest. I madt certain that the roofing spade has a properly installed handle.
When I did my monastery bit, I made monks robes. THey are from coarse Pendelton wool from Pendelton Oregon. Made in USA. They are very warrm, although itchy.
We use nalgene in the lab BEACUSE it does not leach chemicals in the water. That is exactly what is so special about nalgene. At least in the parts per BILLION range that our labs test.
Aluminum has been linked to alzheimers although those studies have been brought into question.
I noticed something, speaking of bicycles:
My brother’s “Mountain Scout” childrens’ mountain bike from Raleigh is made in China, whereas my “Grand Sport” road bike (once again a Raleigh) is made in Taiwan. Is that a quality thang, being as my bike was more expensive, or is it just that they have changed manufacturers in the maybe 4 years between purchases?