Made in France by unigirl

:slight_smile: here is our last video. we filmed it last weekend in one day, just for fun with Marine, Delphine and Aurélie :smiley:

Awesome! Very cool.

Theres nothing cooler then a chick falling then doing it again :smiley:

Cool song too.

yeah nice!

the only thing i didn’t like is the bad quality :roll_eyes:

I’ve felt in love… :smiley:
I have been in Avignon a year ago and a friend that rides with me was this year! I loved of Avignon! I was in a “exchange” with the school “Theodore-Aubanel” I hope go back soon, when I went I asked here for anyone! but anybody answered! :angry: Bon, un bisou, il m’a beaucoup plu! Au revoir!:slight_smile:

Awsome video.I really liked the still stances ,they were really long.Even taking off the time the video froze in the middle of them.

Thanks to everyone for your comments !
And we are sorry for the bad quality of the video…

@malabristapablo : if you come back to France, tell us :wink:

that was an entertaining video.
When i went to france i brought my unicycle and there was tons of stuff to play on.

Bordeilles, Lyon, Paris, and a couple other places i can’t remember the names of at the moment.

Awesome! This is my favorite video of girls unicycling :smiley:

Maybe i will live in Paris in 2008 :D, to study and uni… France is awesome :smiley: and beautiful!


super video! really enjoyed it. thanks for the upload. that little niche in the wall looked like a really cool place…

4 mins well spent, great vid. :slight_smile:

loved it:)

Quote from Shaun Johanesson :smiley:


Great video BTW.

I know exactly what you mean shaun.

My fiancé is an amazing unicyclist. I love her:)

This vid was nice too. But I wish the video quality was better.

HQ upload time

Sympa la video j’ai bien aimee!


Sick sick. I love the crankflips and 360 unispins skillz.


very cool, can’t wait for the next one.

wàààà les filles, notre vidéo elle plaît apparament, c’est bien comique de lire tous les comms bien sympas! merciiii

vivement la suite du trip Unigirl

awesome video! kept me entertained, edited well, great riding 5 stars