Mad halfpipe Uni ride.

In a Photoshop Competition the Original image was of a guy on a half pipe, with out a banner. A Non-uniist(i beleive) made this…


that seat looks bad…

So does his foot placement…

So does his hand placement…

Hey, I hope at least 1 (if not all) of those were extremely sarchastic. Here is the unphotoshopped image:


well i think it’s wonderful :smiley:

That’s definitely one of the best uni-photoshop jobs I’ve seen. Excellent work to whoever did it!


Here’s one my brother did. That’s him, actually.


Here’s a slightly changed version. It’s OK. Even if it does suck, I had a fun time messing with it.


Wow, I really shouldn’t have changed the arm. That thing REALLY sucks, ugh.

My life has no meaning because of how bad that is. Or something…

I just thought I’d flame myself because no one else did, and I don’t have a life.

'Snot that bad…

welcome to the uni-forum site

Enter , I´ve made some minibike movies with some friends, you´ll get a good example on great fake movies, we´re doing a uni movie, but it ain´t on the site yet