Mac Dre.

So how many of you have come to see the lighT of the Furley GhosT and experienced True Thizzlamic enlighTenment? Do you throw your T’s up every day To pray The sTupid-doo-doo-dumb way? Ride The yellow bus much? Are you sharp like Shannon and rich like Gannon? Sicker Than SARS? Higher than Mars? Treat yo biTch like an ATM card?

Mac Dre is, without a doubt, the greatest: philosopher, economist, hustlah, genius, pimp, poet, trend setter, car designer, hyphy fashion idol, ladies man, rapper, and role model the world has ever known.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you should definitely do yourself the greatest favor of all favors and discover the words and song of the Thizz Nation and it’s divine brotherhood; it will change your life for the better in ways you never imagined were possible!

T.I.P. Andre “Furley” Hicks
(Thizz in Peace)

I thought this thread was about some new apple product.

I would have waited until April 1 to post this thread.

Mac Dre was killed on November 1st, not April. :roll_eyes:

I thought this was about Big Macs and Dr. Dre. I still think Sir Mix A-lot was the best.

Another excuse to take Ecstasy? All right!

The M to the D from the C.C.C
started listening to him about 4 months ago and loved it
some fav songs are :
lifes a bitch
welcome to the bay
since 84’
get stupid
and of course
thizz dance

TIP Mac Dre
Thizz iz what it iz

This is by far the best thread on the entire forum.

Without a doubt.

Im gonna go get dumb in the corner over here.

Yay Area.

i’d also like to point out how funny it is that none of you all are from the bay.

but you should come visit.

best place EVER

christ, aren’t there any other HYHPY peoples out their?

if so, report!

i went once, it was quite cool

christ, no.

bay area, yes.

hyphy, no.

hyphy culture is based on drugs, alcohol, reckless driving and violence. is that really how you want to identify yourself?

hyphy music isn’t hip-hop, it’s a bunch of drugged up morons pounding on buckets and hooting at the moon. kids with no musical talent. they can’t even string together two sentences and make 'em rhyme.

Um yes to the first question, and strong disagreement to the second comment. HYPHY iz what it iz. And i’m guessing you yourself have little to no musical talent or appreciation for hip hop, and therefore have no bussiness categorizing what HYPHY iz.

long live the YAY.

I was listening to hip-hop when you were learning to use the toilet.

I used to make mix tapes the old-school way, using my fingers on the pulleys to stop the tape.

I’d skip school with my friends to practice our windmills on a sheet of cardboard behind the local 7-11.

I learned to scratch records before deejay mixers were widely available. I got my sh*t from Radio Shack.

Son, I could write you a book on hip-hop! You better ask somebody!


That’s pretty sweet!! Do you still do all of that?

I’m still an avid hip-hop fan although I don’t go to shows as regularly now.

I still deejay occasionally, although I’m more into electronica than hip-hop these days.

My mixes go on Mini-disc, then are transferred onto a PC for mastering, and finally end up on a CD. I don’t even own any tape decks anymore.

Break dancing started hurting my wrists after a while, so I gave that up… although my best friend and I did a little performance at his wedding recently. We couldn’t pass up the chance to break in tuxedos in front of a crowd :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’ve gone quite soft. I’ve been getting into ballroom dancing. Heh.

I am a B-boy, DJ, Rapper, and Graffiti artist. The roots of Hip Hop are where my heart lies, and I am sorry I wasn’t alive to see them. But I keep those traditions alive in this new ear. Just because I like HYPHY doesn’t mean I can throw a windmill or spit a rhyme in the styles of those who came before me. You could write a book on Hip Hop. I have made documentaries about it.

I respect greatly though the fact that you do at least understand and at one time lived like a Hip Hopper. But do not judge me because I am young. At least in your day it was easy to find somebody who could teach you to break. Now, keeping it alive is an everyday struggle. People don’t even know what Hip Hop is.


Thizz thread wasn’t meant to be a flame war between people who can’t love their fellow man, and definitely not about hip-hop or hyphy rap music

Thizz(which actually iz what it iz!) is a separate movement from the bay area hyphy movement. If you’ll notice in the original post, the only mention of hyphy is referring to the mellifluous garb that adorned our savior’s sacred skin.

Now I’d appreciate if you treated this topic with a little bit of respect and decency, if not for the sake of the million’s of devout followers of the cuttie Mac Dre(I consider myself one) who would be greatly offended by your innapropriate antics(I am), but at least for the forum’s sake.

Unfortunately, it seems that many of you are far from enlightenment, when opportunty is always so close. I guess having an open mind when searching for the path to true salvation has gone out of style.

I pray at least five times a day, sending my prayers to the Crest of Vallejo so that those of you who are lost might find the way into being saved.

Maybe some day when pillz rain from the sky and the oceans turn into Hypnotiq, Hennessee and 1-5-1(that’s Bacardi, folks!) will you all understand that pulling your underwear up to your shoulders to help you prove to some other lamer that you’re more hip-hop than he is iz not what it iz.

No, you’re thinking of Mac Mall

Mac dre aye?

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nice censorship job