I noticed on the front page of unicyclist.com that there are a lot more members than those who post actively,
Introduce yourselves!
I noticed on the front page of unicyclist.com that there are a lot more members than those who post actively,
Introduce yourselves!
some will probably beable to introduce them selves, a lot will not as they are spiders for search engines. Not that I 100% know what that is, I just have come to accept it because thats what everyone keeps saying.
Btw, not that Im lurking, but Ill introduce myself. I’m Kristine.
Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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TWNR…want it for Xmas?
01:34 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Best Uni Photo thread
01:44 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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handle & brake?
01:33 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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KH24 Hub Length
01:43 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Unicyclist Community
01:33 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Unicyclist Community
01:43 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Unicyclist Community
01:42 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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New Hour Record
01:46 PM Guest
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Most Replys!!!
01:47 PM Guest
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The Best 2006 Unicon 13 Pictures
01:46 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Auction question
01:45 PM Guest
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01:41 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Unicyclist Community
01:43 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Geared 36
01:40 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Crankflip movie…Advise/ Help needed
01:36 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Unicyclist Community
01:37 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Unicyclist Community
01:36 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Large wheeled unicycle questions
01:37 PM AskJeeves Spider
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great ride,then i woke up totaly ticked!
01:46 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Riot Wheel!
01:39 PM Yahoo! Slurp Spider
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Design Problem
EEK! Bugs!
i’m an arachnophobe, please no more spiders!
I’m Joe, by the way.
WOO, is that a FF extension?
no, it’s an irrational fear of spiders.
technically it’s a fear of creatures with eight legs, but I don’t mind lobsters, shrimp, or scorpions; it’s just the spiders that give me goosebumps.
But I want to stay a lurker. If I post, I won’t be as lurkerish. So, I’m not going to post… crap!
Whats this conversation for???
okay… wheres this random quote from:
“In Russia, Bears much smaller. Also more Hair. Less Lurking. . .”
a quick google revealed Splinter Cell 3
. . . nope… dont think so. . .
that hairy arabian truck driver guy?
My name is Forrest Rowell, and I ride a unicycle.
My name is Marshall and I AM CANADIAN!
Its from Psychonauts.
And I wet my pants the first time I heard it.
Alright, I’ve been lurking for a while and haven’t really posted much, so I guess I should introduce myself to everyone.
I’m Mikael, and I’m from the skinny part of Idaho. I ride a unicycle.
Hello. I’m Ivan. I don’t post a lot.
I’m from Russia, but I live in Cyprus. I’m learning street/trials.
I’m not a lurker, but I’m Miles. I’m in SoCal.
i dont post that much
im called…some call me…
but most people call me ‘the unicycling man’