Lurkers come here now!!!

Alright all you lurkers that just read and never post, here’s your chance to be seen.

Re: Lurkers come here now!!!

Looks like they are still just lurking.

But, alas, the lurkers CAN be seen as they lurk…

Who’s Online


I’m lurking between posts… does that count?


Way to recycle my idea worms :wink:

I am new here. I bought a book on unicycling and I purchased two Torker LX unicycles, a 20 inch for my wife and a 24" for myself. I am hoping to stay fit and have some fun at the same time. I used this forum to get a good idea of what to look for in a unicycle and what price to pay. I ended up paying $92.45 for each of these cycles. I hope that they last us a long time and that we are both successful in learning to ride.

Thanks for the help,

Im lurking even when i post.

shardy,a torker lx for $92 is pretty good.
Itl problly last a long time.

Bah. I still haven’t found that darn truss!


I lurk here every day.
I´m here but you cant see me, I´m hiding in the shadows.

Here here!

I’m lurking, but you all will probably get stuck with me.

After 5,000 posts on one forum and 12,000 on another, I’ve decided it’s time for me to move on again.

So, I’ve been unicycling for 4 years, during 3 of which I unicycled. (But never very seriously.) Now I’m trying hard to get a lot better. Last week I set some new records of about 15 full revolutions backwards, and about 5 forward-backward repitions of idling.

And I’m trying to figure out how to jump from the curb to the road without falling off, with medium luck so far.

And I’m waiting for a new crank arm to arrive so I can try again after my last attempt didn’t work so well. :frowning: