Lucky Number

What’s your lucky number? Mine’s 8.






Given the nature of this forum, I’m amazed no-one’s said 1 yet.

5 is good. so is seven. and eleven. 8 is good but i wouldnt necessarily call it my lucky number- eight is the number of eternity. 2 is good, but really only as two ones, so the way 11 looks is good.

Why is the number 7 considered lucky?


It is considered to be the (average) most amount of things a human brain can count unconcously

if i show you a picture of objects such as apples for a small moment of time you will (in theory) say there was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or more than 7 apples there.

I dont know why it is lucky though

Hmmm… There’s also 7 eleven, double O seven, 7 days in a week, and $7 in the U.S. treasury :smiley:


and the cool thing is that’s a real number!

6 is my very most luckiest number…but I have a lot of favorites. 37 is my favorite number that’s not 6. 17 is up there too…thanks to these fora, 768 and 530 are both very special to me…and of course +1. Gotta have the plus.

75,373,562,821,527,595…makes gambling hard…

8 and 23…and 23 was my lucky number BEFORE that movie came out. XD