Lucid Dreaming. I recently found out about this site but have been doing it for as long as I remember without even trying too. It’s where you realize you’re dreaming, and you can control everything that goes on. There are endless possibilities. You can fly, create a monster, transform yourself into a bug, and run 100 miles an hour. My personal favorite is making a comfortable chair magically appear, then flying around town on it.
I’ve been having these dreams about twice a week for two months now. It’s kinda weird and cool. I can still remember most of them as well.
Happy Dreaming!
Going to bed now.
Thanks for the link.
I’ve had a few before and they were great. This appeals to me as a way to salvage some of the seemingly wasted time of our lives we spend sleeping.
i have a few of these a week
i ussally make myself go running cause then my legs twitch and it is funny:)
how do you have them?
thats the only type of dream i have :s
in all my dreams i do what i watn and when i wake up its like its part of the dream and i wasnt asleep.
I dedicated 2 months trying to do that
I did it only once. If I will continue trying, I need to know something from the people who can: Can you have a good sleep if you’re lucid dreaming? I mean, can you wake up in the morning full of energy or are you tired from thinking the whole night?
i feel like a nuclear war could be going on aronud me and i still wouldnt have the motivation to get out of bed
I have these dreams often. I love them I always do some awsome shit in them like backflips and unicycling and in all my dreams I juggle.
P.S. There have been a couple times I have dreams about little parts about the day it feels weird becasue I know what is going to happen becasue I dreamed it the night before. Anyone else get this?
I’ve always wanted to practice lucid dreaming, but there’s the small problem that I actually do not dream…well, very very rarely do I ever remember having a dream, I don’t remember the last time I did.
Yes! All the time, like as if it is in the future. Your going along, and suddenly “I remember that!”.
I just had a morning full of them, it was fun. I love lucid dreaming and it makes me happy to sleep. A trick to tell if you are dreaming or not is to try and play with light levels, if you are in a room try flicking the lights on and off, likely you won’t be able to change whether they are on and off.
If you like lucid dreams or find them interesting you should really really check out the movie Waking Life. There are lots of clips from it on youtube, infact most of the movie is there in parts but it really is way better to at least rent or download it. The movie is following a guy who is living out a lucid dream, or at least figuring out whether or not he is dreaming, and generaly exploring his dreams. Its chock full of theories and stuff so it can get pretty intense and can be hard to watch if you aren’t paying attention, but even if you are just watching it for fun the visual effects are cool enough that sometimes you don’t really have to pay attention. Plus if you lose whats going on, in like three minutes he has another dream.
There are a few ways you can increase your awareness of your dreams. I would imagine everyone is different but if you do a bit of research you should be able to find out some that would work well for you. I find that sleeping in, napping, or doing certain things before I fall asleep helps. Another big thing to avoid when wanting lucid dreams is watching tv or reading before sleeping, especialy doing either of those in bed.
I had to drive my dad to the airport really early this morning and when I got home I went back to sleep, I slept for about five hours and all five of them were full of lucid dreams, it was awesome.
I tend to have lucid dreams when I have slept more than I need to but wake up of my own accord. This tends to leave me feeling well rested and eager to enjoy the day. Another thing that will help you in feeling well rested is to sleep in a room where the light will start filling your room about the time you want to wake up, so that you are awakening in a room that isn’t bright but there is more than enough light to wake you up and be nice. Sleeping in a room that is completely black won’t help at all and will most likely make you feel tired.
I saw that movie when i came out in limited release in theaters. It was interesting “experimental” filmmaking, but I found it way too “talky” and self-important. I got the impression that the “actors” were just a bit too in love with their own voices.
Hah, well of course the actors are just doing their scripts so its not their fault (there were actors too since its all acted out then drawn over). I agree though that I totaly gave up in some scenes, but in others I thought it was really cool, and it had lots of neat things happening.
I only lucid dream when I’m ill or drunk, because I sleep less heavily. Last night I tried to wake up form a dream, but instead woke up from a dream within my dream. Very strange.
I just remembered part of one that I did have like a week ago…it was weird, in the part I remember I was parking a car, on a hill, but I accidentally hit the car in front of me and that one rolled down the hill and hit another one and a bunch of cars hit each other and caused a kind of accident. Then the cops were talking to me, and he was prodding me with his night stick, and it hurt my sides, and when I woke up, my sides still hurt!! It was creepy.
Once you’re lucid, (knowing that you’re dreaming) you can do whatever you want. Since the dream is all happening in your brain, with some hard thinking, you can make stuff happen. It takes practice, but once you get good you can do anything! I’ve set fire to things with my mind, flown around, and teleported to the beach to surf some 100 foot waves.
There was a scientific study done to establish whether or not it was possible to be conscious during sleep. They established a predefined pattern of eye movements to do during REM sleep and the subjects, once lucid in their sleep were able to perform the movements.
i had one last night about my first elementary school with these guys in an el camino and they were trying to shoot us with a shotgun because i had a pistol, all in all, i had control but it was odd. I vividly remember, gonig to 3 different doors so i opened them all and told all the kids to get under the desks so they didnt get shot, but in doing that i found the right classrom.
That’s pretty cool. I read that your eyes move where your “dream eyes” are looking while you sleep. Also, some people can fall asleep while they are walking