low psi and 110 degree heat dont match

today i went out to practice some new tricks and i found that my dad lft my unicycle out in the sun for 2 days. i went out riding and i saw a little gap from a curb to a little sprinkler box. so i did and almost instantly i heard leaking sound…i looked down and saw dust on the ground from the air shooting out of the tire…
so basically i piched the tire and the tube… and it made a small whole and a crackin the tire…

annoying stuff.

That sucks dude!

I remembr, about 2 days after getting my very first unicycle, sun 20-inch, I still have it too lol, but I was riding it, probably with about 70psi, and it was a hot summer day, but the heat caused the air to expand in the tire, and it just blew-up on me right in the middle of a ride. Luckily it happened so soon afterbuying I was able to take it own and get a new rim tape, tube, tire, and they did all the labour for free.

i did the same thing yesterday, but i had a slow leak, and i was practicing my rolling hops so it bottomed out and basically made a few holes in the tire that i had to patch up :frowning:

EDIT: it was only 95* here (w/ 80% humidity)

wait, why is your dad leaving it out? sholdnt you be responsible for it if you dont want this to happen?

Doesn’t make sense, higher temperatures increase tyre pressure and thus decrease the chance of pinch flatting the tyre from bottoming the rim out.

yes, but i think the baking effect might have poped one of the paches i have on my tube loose causing it to leak ( a super small pich flat that i got about 2 weeks ago) and the rip got bigegr when i pumped the tire up causing the tube to be unfixable. now time to go to the bike shop.