My brother gave me a sony test cd with a sound sweep, I’m afraid to play the full track for fear my speakers (JBL’s) will explode, If you want I could email it to you.
My family has a set of 15-20 year old (I’m guessing) Bose speakers and they are perfect in every way I can think of. My guess is that Bose has gotten worse over the years.
Pipe organ music can be impressive on a good sub woofer. It’s not a thumpy bass but it will rumble.
The Atlantic City Convention Hall has a theater organ with 64-foot pipes. Those pipes can get well below 20Hz. There are some sample MP3 clips of the organ at the Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Society web site. The Toccata in d-minor clip should be good for a demo. Unfortunately it’s an MP3 and a 128kbps one at that. MP3s cut out the low low bass so aren’t the best for demonstrating the very low frequencies of a sub woofer.
That just means you haven’t heard a proper high quality stereo system yet. Once you listen to a good audiophile or studio quality stereo system you’ll understand how much BOSE sucks.
John you are correct, of course, on all accounts.
I stopped bothering with speakers because I’ll never be able to afford the stuff I want. I’ll get a pair of grados at some point in the near future, for now I have headphones I diy’d that work pretty well.
for awesome DIY audiophile stuff, especially rediculous speakers, check out:
Other neat products or projects out there in the web include a oscilatory sub (driven by a fan type thing, not magnets) that will turn your entire basement or attic into a sub box (worlds most poverfull subwoffer), and a guy who made a resonance chamber out of his basment for something like 16 20"'s or something.
Pipe organs are neat.
also, that speaker test some one was talking about is called a sine sweep, and as I already mentioned, it can be found all over the intarweb. This is much more likly to kill your tweeters than your subs.
If you want to play a song really loud to listen to bass (and you’re not afraid to play the most cliché dance song of all time) then crank up Sandstorm by Darude.
Just make sure you get a good quality file.
when i bought my stereo it came with a cd with a bass demo by a group called Bass 305. you might try to find some of their stuff
Horus the Chorus by Infected Mushroom is much better than I remembered. I should listen to this song more often. Infected Mushroom pwnz j00.
Watch both of our BC wheel videos. Lots of bass.
Piece of My Heart - Cheap Thrills, Janis Joplin w/Big Brother and the Holding Company
I once played this so loud in my 3rd floor apartment, the landlady came up and said that neighborhood kids were dancing on the sidewalk below. And oddly, she didn’t come up to complain, just to comment.
Great album overall. (I guess I’m showing my age).
The organ master stares, transfixed by twin mysterious visions; the Neanderthal saint in the setting sun and the Gothic monk proceeding out from the cathedral’s sanctum – each framed by a halo of organ pipes, reminiscent of #2 pencils.
You can generate a sine wave sweep on your computer using ASIO4ALL and ASIO Test Signal Generator. Here’s a description of what ASIO is from Wikipedia.
If I remember the title correctly, “Oh Well” by Fleetwood Mac can get the walls shaking. It’s an oldie.
not so hard rocky but great band with a bassy intro:
Kaiser Chiefs - Every day I love you less and less
and also The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
But you should also try the Eurovision winners Lordi - Hard Rock Halleluilah!!
Yeah baby!
The Prophet vs Deepack - Stampuhh
yes yes i know… lamb of god isnt much of death metal… rather than just hardcore metal… but to people who dont listen to that kind of music… think just because they have double bass, heavey guitar, and scream rather than sing people just… assume that it is death metal… so i just said it was…
honest mistake
DJ Hype
Roni Size
Congo Natty
Shy FX
prettty much any DnB/Jungle artist drops bass pretty hard