LOTR: Return of King

This was definitly an A+ movie. I suggest anyone who has not seen it to get offline and go right now. I saw it at it’s grand opening at 12am last night. Since it is a 3 and a half to 4 hour movie and I had school the next day I was a bit tired, running off of 1.5 hours of sleep. But it was worth it for sure. The mulitple endings was a little aggravating because of the fact that it was 3:30 am and i did want to get home and go to bed but if it had been just a normal day this owuld be no big deal at all. It was an awesome movie and i suggest going to it. Question/Comments about it? Thanks.

I saw it at 12 AM this morning also. Been surviving all day on three hours of sleep.

I thought it was an incredible movie. Much better than Two Towers, and even a little better than Fellowship.

I do have a huge complaint with it though, and despite the movies general awesomeness, I left with a bad taste in my mouth. They completely left out the Scouring Of The Shire. I think the story doesn’t work without that aspect. In the movie, they come home, and the shire is exactly the way they left it. It’s like they just wake up from a dream, and return to their normal life, which doesn’t really feel right at all considering what happened to them. The way Tolkien wrote the story, they had to come home and fight to reclaim their land, and than basically rebuild everything from the ground up.

My other problem, although it isn’t as big, is when Frodo pushed Gollum in to the abyss, rather than gollUm just falling in himself. Not sure why it bothers me so much, I guess it just isn’t as poetic. I actually had a huge number if nitpicky differences between the movie and the book, but most of them are stupid.

Anyway, all I seem to be able to talk about is what I didn’t like, but despite what it might sound like I really did like the movie. It’s by far the best movie I’ve seen this year.


I know I’ll get flamed for this, but I don’t really like LOTR. And the movies are even worse. Though I think I would understand the movies a bit better if I reread the books, because when I did read them I had to do it by a certain date for school.
But I just don’t get the part about the walking trees. That was stoopid, but like I said, it would makes sense if I read the books again.

In referance to the scouring of the shire… I dont think they had time to do this, i mean that would take another entire movie length to come home and rebuild the shire and i think they wanted to end it with the return of the king without it being 6 hours long, Peter Jackson is amazing at what he does and while i miss these parts that were changed i can understand.

As for not understanding the movie and the tree people. The treepeople are just shephards of the forest. In the two towers they just came into play because Soromon (correct character?) the wizard had cut down so many trees, thus tree people got involved in the fight which they originally werent going to do which helped humans out a ton. I dont really get what you dont understand about them, clarify.

I can understand why he doesn’t get the Ents. The Two Towers cut out almost everything about them. The Ents motivations and story is explained in the books.

Personally I thought the movie was to short anyway. Adding another half hour for the scouring of the Shire would have made it a much better movie.

I agree, both the LOTR and the Harry Potter movies would have been infinitely better if they had spent about twice their estimated budget and made each movie 6+ hours long. But that’s only in a perfect world…


Well, each person who reads the book creates a different version in their head, which will never be exactly the same as a movie created by someone else.

going to see it friday, when im done my finals and on winter break … cant wait

You’ll enjoy it

I agree about the need to ommit parts of the story, but I Peter Jackson is sometimes less than amazing at what he does. Why where irrelevant parts added to The two Towers? Why is Gimli suddenly reduced to commic relief? etc.
I would have prefered more Tolkien and less Jackson.

All I can say is that these were the best three movies I have seen in the past three years. Very well done.


People ask me was it good?
Words can not even describe it!

That is a f*** good film! i’m a humungus fan of all the films but i have to say i agree wiht Elijah Wood that was better than fellowship and two towers put together!

I know people will probably disagree with me here but i don’t care i have to say this, no one can complain about anything in the movie it was perfect not too long battles just enough jokes, scary stuff and everything! (This is a very bias view as i never say anyting bad about lotr but sorry i just had to put my point across)

Too long? NO WAY! i didn’t even notice the time i was so ingrossed in the movie

If you havn’t seen it GO!


You do not compare lotr to harry potter!!!


curse your wheel!

i forgive you becasue everyone is allowed there views but i’m sorry but you have no taste! :wink:

Ah, but perhaps I am the one with taste and the rest of you haven’t any. Did that ever cross your mind?

Or maybe it’s because I have about a trillion billion gajillion books I want to read and I haven’t gotten around the reading LOTR. I think that’s it. But after I finish the book I’m on now, I’m going to read it.

I remember once when I first got to these forums, one of the first threads I posted in was something about LOTR. And I suggested that Harry Potter is better, and then everyone was like


Well, something along those lines.

I saw rotk last night. Im not a huge fan but it was good, I just dont think it was the best movie of 2003. I think it would have made way more scence to me if I paid attention in the first 1 and/ or read the books. I really lost interest at the end, it just kept dragging on and on and on :o. I was so confused at the end where was frodo going, what was up with those eagles comin out of know were. Maybe they should have left out part of the ending and added that part that everyone was talking about, with the shire.

i with James Potter lotr is boring, i am more of a fight club man now that blasted LOTR outa the ring for me. one of my fav films has to be ghostdog it’s not about a ghostdog it’s a hit man film two words well good describes it. I watch a lot of films normally old ones that no one else has seen but hell i like them.

I saw this movie on thursday, and I have to say it was pretty good. I laughed until I cried when all of the characters were bouncing on the bed and rubbing each other (after frodo destroys the ring). It just looked so hillarious. Hahaha.


I thought it was a great movie but the ending was a little too slow (I didnt like the repeat ending thing very much).

I laughed until I cried when all of the characters were bouncing on the bed and rubbing each other (after frodo destroys the ring). It just looked so hillarious. Hahaha.

Im with you on this one i was practically on the ground laughing when everyone comes walkin through the door and gandolf keeps laughing. I thought that was the best part