Lost Property DURHAM

Thanks everyone who helped with this years Durham convention. In the process
of tidying up I now have a number of articles of lost/forgotten property now
located with me. If you have or know of anyone losing/forgetting anything
can you please email me and I will endeavour to return the property. This is
a limited offer as I don’t have the space to keep it all!


Re: Lost Property DURHAM

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:26:36 +0100, AndyN wrote:

> Thanks everyone who helped with this years Durham convention. In the process
> of tidying up I now have a number of articles of lost/forgotten property now
> located with me. If you have or know of anyone losing/forgetting anything
> can you please email me and I will endeavour to return the property. This is
> a limited offer as I don’t have the space to keep it all!

From what I can tell, I’ve managed to bring everything back home with me
this time!

Thanks to you and the team for another great convention, and in particular
to Mikey Armstrong for putting together such a top quality show. It’s
definitely set a new prerogative for the next one!

And now, sleep.