Hey, alright, so I have this horrible problem. I can ride one-footed and idle, and even idle back and forth while shifting my weight so I can stay in one spot but basically do “degree” idle rolls to the right until I’m 90, 180, even 360 degrees around (and can keep going).
Problem is, I can only do all of this stuff with my right leg. I can only static-mount a giraffe with my left leg; can’t ride one-footed with my left as my right foot can barely leave the pedal, and while idling is alright with the left, I can’t rock back and forth with ease, nor shift my weight very well so I’m idle-rolling to the left side.
Is this normal? I know there’s talk about “the dominant leg/foot”, but I’m curious to know if it will continue to be as such, or if it’s just a matter of putting the left leg to more use? I don’t want lopsided legs!