Loose Keyway????

Hi all
My onza unicycle recently arrived, and I’ve been too busy riding to post a review. I now must post, as it pertains to the health of the little beast. I was doing 5 sets yesterday, when I noticed that there was a strange play in the drivetrain. I went home and tightened up the pedals and the bearings in them and it was still present. I checked the cranks, and they’re also plenty tight. I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t feel the play when I get off and check, and I don’t know what to do. It’s the old onza hub, so would it be a defective keyway? If so, can it be fixed? Also, should stop riding until it’s fixed? Thanks, bye.

My friend thinks that he has a loose keyway in his profiles. It’s sometimes there, and sometimes not ( the movement) i’m guessing that it would just be the hub shifting around all the time. Anyways, he hasn’t done anything to fix it, i guess he’ll just ride untill it breaks, or becomes a coasting unicycle :smiley:


If it’s anything like the Profile hub it’s most likely that the cranks need to be tightened onto the axle. The splines need to be greased with anti-seize and the threads on the bolts that tighten the crank on the axle also need anti-seize. It’s amazing what anti-seize on the bolt threads will do. You can get the bolts a lot tighter and that will get rid of excess play in the drive train.

If you still feel play the second option would be to look at the bearing and the bearing mounts. Is the bearing rocking in the bearing holder? Is the bearing loose on the axle? If the bearing is loose on the axle you can try filling the gap with Loctite sleeve retainer.

Last option would be to think about the keyway. Most likely it is not the keyway.

I agree with john.
However, my friend has tried all this, and the only option is the keyway.


Thanks you guys, I was really pissed when I noticed this play on the first day. :slight_smile: Now I have hope, and if this doesn’t work, I’ll just see if I can replace the hub or shim the keyway. Has anyone tried this? I think a tin can shell and a 30 toon press could tackle this challenge:D. I love having acess to a machine shop. I’ll post an update when I try the fix. I could also remachine the keyway or bearing race too. That’d be pretty hard, though. Thanks again, I hope to get to ride it in the muni weekend.

Before you do all of that make sure you know what the problem is. Chances are its not the keyway.
