Looking for riding buddies

Once I get my 20" (or 24", because I still haven’t decided. Ugh) I want to ride around with other unicyclers. I’m willing to go to Harrisonburg or stay in Elkton.

I’ve noticed a couple of people that are from Harrisonburg area and others that attend JMU.

I should be getting my Uni in a couple of weeks, so I could be ready to ride along with others about a week or two after that.

Also, for people in the area, I know that there’s a place called Mole Hill bikes (where I want to purchase my uni) on the outskirts of Dayton. Are there any other places that sell Torker products around H’burg?

Hoping to get riding

It’s a common problem. Other unicyclists are hard to find especially if you live in a small town. Maybe you can get some other people interested in it and start a club.

Yeah, I guess so. I was just looking for some experienced riders, so that I could learn face to face.

I guess that the only real problem that I face as of now is convincing others to purchase a uni and get out of bed during the summer break.