Looking for riders at Stony Brook University and school club ideas

Hey everyone, My name is Kevin, and I’m just sending out this post with the hopes of finding any other riders from SUNY Stony Brook that are on this forum. I’ve met a few, as some have approached me stating they ride unicycles. (For the record, I currently ride around campus between my summer classes and I intend on doing the same throughout the year.) Anyone I’ve met before or anyone I haven’t on here?

Also, i was contemplating starting a unicycle club on campus. I know there is the bicycle club, but i figured a little exclusivity would be nice, plus going on rides and maybe even doing some sort of community service together (such as putting on a unicycle show or something to that effect for the kids at the hospital.)
If you’re not at Stony Brook, still feel free to say hey and if you have any ideas on unicycle related community service, please post.

I used to live in Nassau County, and started a club called the Long Island Unicyclists. That was way back in the day, but currently you should get in touch with Adam Cohen and see if he can connect you with anybody:

Hope you’re coming to the NYC Unicycling Festival!!!

SBU unicycling

Hi, Im a student at stony brook and I unicycle. Mostly I like to practice tricks like wheel-walking and jumping. I don’t unicycle on campus because I haven’t found anyone to practice with. I’m definitely interested in starting a unicycle club and I also juggle. I see you posted this a while ago, so if you’re still interested, respond to my reply. Thanks!

unicyclast, i’m still interested. but i’m hardly any good, i’m still learning to idle to be honest. There are quite a few of us on campus who actually ride or try to.