Looking for MuniAddict!

I was watching t.v. very early this morning and thought I saw you! It was an episode of Hermosa Beach on truTV. Was this you?

Haha yeah, they’ve been re-running the episodes. I was flipping thru channels and caught it again the other day too. It was only a 1-2 second shot, so if you blinked you’d miss it lol!:smiley:

I love it, even the newbies here know who you are! If we had a spokesman to the world from us, I think it would be you.

I may be a newb here but not in unicycling…

…thats is wat he wuz seying…geeze dud u seem a litle too much over confidential

haha thanks that’s really nice.:slight_smile: My biggest objective is to promote our great sport, and get the average person to see and appreciate the amazing strides made in every facet of uni, from freestyle, trials, street, flatland, MUni, 36ers. Yeah I admit it’s fun getting publicity, but the bigger picture is to promote our sport! I love meeting and talking to hikers/bikers, and answering questions about how they can learn, where to buy a uni and so on. I would love to see them one day on the trail saying they got into it and love it!