sounds a lot like 1984 (indeed the term ‘Big Brother’ was invented in the novel). The government forces changes in language which makes the concept of rebellion unthinkable. I don’t recall the drug holiday, but I’ve only read the book and not seen the film, and there’s probably bene more than one film made from the book, and it is exactly the kind of thing one can imagine happening in 1984.
It can’t be the Island. That was about a program where dying people would have themselves cloned and they would take the clone’s organs to save themselves. It was a really good movie, but not the one he’s looking for.
We read the book Brave New World in English class in High school, and it definitely seems to be what you are talking about. Although Soma and Summer are two very different words. Soma is a medicated type thing. I’m not sure of the actual meaning or derivation ( is being really stupid and not working for me right now), but I know that it isn’t just another way or writing summer.
I seem to remember the book actually being a bit interesting as well.
You’re thinking of Brave New World, Dan. Soma is a drug used to make people really relaxed and happy, isntead of actually bettering their life, which can lead to intellectual-type things, which is bad. The book is along the same vein as 1984, Farenheit 451, and the like. Good read.
Of course it’s Brave New World, but have you read the lyrics to the Rush song 2112? (note: the long paragraphs in quotes are not sung as part of the song)