Looking For A SIde Kick? Super hero style!

I’ve decided that since there is a lack of role models in the form of super hero’s I Logan_A. would become a superhero. (don’t tell anybody my secret identity) SO I tried it out for a while, but it failed, then I pondered and begain to brainstorm ways to make myself a more popular character. At first I thought it was my super powers that were holding me back, but then was reafirmed when I saved a little girl who was being shot at while falling from a build, and had cancer. SO I finaly came to the conclusion that every GREAT super hero was/is either in a group or had/has a partner.

So I’m holding additions for a SIDEKICK!! WHo out their of my many many many many many may many many many familly, friends and fans (FFF) would like to be my sidekick?

Please just Post the following information about yourself and super abilities in a post.

Superhero name:
Super Power:
Secret Layer Location:
Costume SIze:
Costume Look:
Are you willing to change your costume colours so thatOur costumes don’t clash:
What do you propose our name be:
Do you have a theme song Idea:
One good way to get the publics positive attention:
Any other ideas that you deam fit:

Remember spots are limited and the final disition will be posted as soon as possible.


Rob (uhh) smith

Superhero name:
Team of Snipers on the Roof Man

Super Power:
a team of snipers on the roof…

Secret Lair Location:
The roof

Costume SIze:
extra medium (tm: Steven Wright)

Costume Look:
jeans and a t-shirt with a big target on the back

Are you willing to change your costume colours so that Our costumes don’t clash:
The target must be red, but other colors are optional

What do you propose our name be:

Do you have a theme song Idea:
yes, but be warned: it involves kazoos

One good way to get the publics positive attention:
I’m not in it for the glory

Any other ideas that you deam fit:
You forgot the hero’s secret weakness. Mine is areas without rooftops.


Rob (uhh) jones

Superhero name:
Angry Mob Boy

Super Power:
an angry mob

Secret Lair Location:
Memorial Soccer Stadium

Costume SIze:

Costume Look:
ripped and torn clothing

Are you willing to change your costume colours so that Our costumes don’t clash:
I would love to change costume, but the angry mob won’t let me.

What do you propose our name be:
I’d better let the angry mob decide

Do you have a theme song Idea:
yes, it is chanted by the angry mob.

One good way to get the publics positive attention:
Angry mobs usually get media coverage.

Any other ideas that you deam fit:
Weakness: the angry mob can be calmed by Kenny G’s soothing tones.

Re: Looking For A SIde Kick? Super hero style!

Here’s an idea: STOP posting worthless threads of crap.

ah ha! this is trickory you want us to reveal our seacrets like our name the super hero name. i think you’re done rob. Im not saing i am a super hore though ‘wink’ ‘wink’


Re: Re: Looking For A SIde Kick? Super hero style!

maybe you could keep it to one worthless thread instead of a hald dozen worthless threads…

Re: Re: Re: Looking For A SIde Kick? Super hero style!

Yeah! Like I did! :slight_smile:

yes, except this one would have absolutly no point, it wouldn’t even make sense and it would have obscure refrences to Mr. T and the things he won’t talk about…

Name: Xristos, Toby, Kirby

Superhero name: Mix Man 530

Super Power: I can fly (like any other superhore), I can resist up to 5 billion rads, my skin is virtually impenitratable except by an alloy from my home planet, I have hightened senses (so I can hear someone yelling for help miles away), I can shoot fire, ice, wind, water and earth from my hands, I can also take things into a void that is in my right palm, and I can tell the time on a sun dial.

Secret Layer Location: Underground/none of your business

Costume Size: Large (for all my muscles), pants: L 32" W31"

Costume Look: Black headphones, orange goggles, black cape, black boots, black pants, orange utility belt, black gloves, gray mask, a microphone (for my “super move”), and an Uzi…

Are you willing to change your costume colours so that our costumes don’t clash: Yes

What do you propose our name be: Depends on your hero name

Do you have a theme song idea: Yes

One good way to get the publics positive attention: Save people

Any other ideas that you deam fit: We drive around in a badass car, better then the Batmobile… and it doesn’t have such a stupid name.

No WAY! Are you serious?!? I vote for Toby!

Thanks! I try too hard though… sigh I can also sing while mumbling! O_O

wthat bout the cod piece?
(if thats how you spell it)

how many side kicks have you added?

Here’s my idea,

White fluffy thing.

I can dance.

I can dance and sing

I can dance and sing with others that look just like me.

Secret Weakness…
My An*s is bleeding!!!

If you don’t get it, I really don’t care.

But I know at least one of you will :wink:

that is the funniest thing i have read all day!:smiley:

I don’t get it. :thinking:

thats just wierd james. haha

very good evryone who is actually interested everybody else, you suck, please be my sidekick, why do you have to suck so much, just be my sidekick.

Daino how do you feel about protecting and entertaining the secret layer.

This is the moment all of you wannabes have been waiting for my new sidekick is the incredible wentz with these outstanding powers.

Sorry i showed up late… but here I am!

Name: Andy Mellick

Superhero name: Poetry Man

Super Power: Poetry

Secret Layer Location: Whitby Public Library

Costume SIze: 9 1/2

Costume Look: I’d wear this very wrestling singlette that looks like BatMan

Are you willing to change your costume colours so thatOur costumes don’t clash: I’m sorry, but no…

What do you propose our name be: Team Sensitive Cool Kids

Do you have a theme song Idea: That poem I wrote for my soul mates Ryan and Ericka

One good way to get the publics positive attention: I could recite poetry for them in the town square.

Any other ideas that you deam fit: I was thinking we could start this thing where we could get the autographs of a bunch of famous people and sell it on E-bay! We could get super rich and buy our own police force, and then we could use them to stop criminals, and we’d get really famous too, and then we could sign stuff and then sell it for loads of money!