I’ve decided that since there is a lack of role models in the form of super hero’s I Logan_A. would become a superhero. (don’t tell anybody my secret identity) SO I tried it out for a while, but it failed, then I pondered and begain to brainstorm ways to make myself a more popular character. At first I thought it was my super powers that were holding me back, but then was reafirmed when I saved a little girl who was being shot at while falling from a build, and had cancer. SO I finaly came to the conclusion that every GREAT super hero was/is either in a group or had/has a partner.
So I’m holding additions for a SIDEKICK!! WHo out their of my many many many many many may many many many familly, friends and fans (FFF) would like to be my sidekick?
Please just Post the following information about yourself and super abilities in a post.
Superhero name:
Super Power:
Secret Layer Location:
Costume SIze:
Costume Look:
Are you willing to change your costume colours so thatOur costumes don’t clash:
What do you propose our name be:
Do you have a theme song Idea:
One good way to get the publics positive attention:
Any other ideas that you deam fit:
Remember spots are limited and the final disition will be posted as soon as possible.