Looking for a 52” or 54” UDC penny farthing

Long shot, but here goes. UDC is out of stock on their penny farthings, and I was wondering if anyone has one sitting around that they’d like to get off their hands. I’m fine with either local pickup (I live in Kentucky, 42701, and am willing to travel several hours, if needed) or shipping, though shipping would be difficult for something so large. Hit me up with an offer if interested. Thanks.

There is always


“Coming 2024” … what happened there @rogeratunicycledotcom? That’s a whole two years from now.

Yeah, I’ve taken a look at other brands, but nothing quite compares to UDC pennies. UDCs just seem to be stronger and better than what any other brand has to offer. That said, if anyone is selling a bone shaker, high wheel, etc., I’d still be interested.

I don’t know how their quality compares, but Rideable Replicas also sells them. Antique Replicas - Rideable Bicycle Replicas

This is a general problem with the cycle industry. Everything has really long lead times and something like this they are just pushing to the back of the queue as it is a difficult item to make. We actually don’t have a date for production of the rims yet… so 2024 is an estimate! It is very sad because it is such a lovely product.

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Well I have a SHW penny and I am very happy with it.

Side note, UDC pennies have SHW tires.

P.S. If you have real money to spend https://www.pennyfarthingdan.com.au can make you anything you like.

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That’s proper cool, do you ride it on the roads?

Never heard of pennyfarthingdan. I gave it a look and it looks like a really good option, I may give it a go.

He even makes folding pennies.

All his stuff is beautiful and from what I have read (and judging by the photos), top end in terms of quality. But… it ain’t cheap. Maybe if I am rich one day I will upgrade to a custom build from him. :wink:

Of course! I use it to commute to work in the non-winter months when I want something different from my unicycle(s).

The height on these things gives a fantastic overview and just feels amazing. Almost like you are flying. Other penny farthing riders here, like @rogeratunicycledotcom, can likely confirm they are a real joy to ride. I wouldn’t stop unicycling but these are a great thing in addition.

Well truth be told I have ridden it in the winter before but I would not…umm… recommend it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

P.S. Here is a little video one of my colleagues took of me right before he dropped and broke his phone



As I remember it, Oslo is quite hilly. How do you handle downhill slopes? How steep can you go sitting in the saddle? I guess, for most downhill roads, standingon the back peg braking is the better option?

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Cautiously… :laughing:

Not most but certainly some/many.

I once cycled up to grefsenkollen and the the main hill averages 7% and hits 10% for a tiny bit at the end. Any more than that and I think I would walk…

  • Distance 18.4 km (11.4 miles)
  • Elev Gain 383 m (1256 feet)
  • Time 1h 14m

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