
I think a few people here longboard, I donno, but anyway I want to get one and I’ve almost no idea where to start.
I’ve discovered that Sector 9 apparently is a good board for a “beginner” which I certainly am, but I don’t really want to upgrade once I get better at it, so…yeah. What did everyone else get for their first?

Jose down at the lumber yard helped me pick out my first long board. It was a 10 ft. 2x4. Looking back, I shoulda got the 2x6, it’s much more stable, even though it’s quite a bit heavier.

Edit: sorry, forgot to answer your question. I got a Douglas Fir board. I hear Pine is good too.

get a freebord they own (www.freebord.com). but i dont ride a long board so i am no help their

Those things look really dangerous. I dont get how you turn, cos surely they just spin round? Other than that they do look really fun.

bomb a hil on a long board and try tostop at the bottom
then watch a freeborder actually make the stop
then cry when you hit the car the freeborder just missed.

if you have ever snowboarded then it is like that. rides just like one.
but you keep the appropriate pressure where you need it to get it to do what you want. but you can throw spins and stuff on the ground.
they are really fun though

Awesome. A longboarder. Welcome to the world of longboarding…I am mostly a speedboarder (competetive Downhill skateboarding), but I do all other disciplines of longboarding. Sector nines are great and easy to get, but are at a much lower standard than many other companies including Landyachtz, Motion, Loaded, and Earthwing (great boards all of them). You should check out www.silverfishlongboarding.com …great sight, other than the fact that it is monstrously big and extrememly cruel for newbs :stuck_out_tongue: if you like freebords, make sure you have hills for them…they don’t work well at all on flats.


Wheels: Abec 11 great standard
Trucks: Randal 180s great standard
Bearings: meh any type
Deck: total preference

Good Luck! Ask for anything I would love to help.

P.S> I buy all my stuff (as do many others) from www.thelongboardstore.com and www.milehighskates.com

Edit: If you watch a real longboarder/speedboarder, he can do what the freeboarder does to stop, except without the training wheels… :smiley:

didnt get to see the vid since youtube is banned at school. but is he standing straight up? or is he doing it like i have seen (kneeling crouched way down).
could the bomb a steep hill going40+ and throw that kind of stop in a vertical position?
cold you ride lombard street on a longboard? standing up?
heres one for you. in a vertical stance (i stress the vertical since i have never seen a long boarder in an upright stance throwing slides) throw a 360 while staying on the ground. how about 1080+?

Yeah I can do standup slides at 35mph but I am only a semi pro speedboarder. This one dude does them at like 45-50mph for hundreds of feet. We go faster anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Na it’s all good though I actually really am a big fan of freeboards.

Awesome info, thanks!
If it makes a difference, I’m going to be using my board mostly for commuting around town, however there are quite a few hills here…so I want one that is good both for downhill and just cruising.

What’s wrong with using your coker?!

Or you could just use a good skateboard…?

No problem bro, yeah you don’t really need that specific of a board (aka you won’t be doing slides and emergency stops at 45mph+) so I would go for a carving board with a shape that you really dig.

flexdexs are awesome for carving I think.

yes I am a great fan of those boards. They are heavy as Fcuck but whatever

Nothing is wrong with it, it’s really fun in fact, I just don’t find cokers to be terribly practical…anyway though that’s not what this thread is about (:

Sweetness, thanks…carving is just sharp turning pretty much, enit?

Hey man. I’m Tyco on Silverfish.

I do some speedboarding, too. I’ve got a Rayne Demonseed with Crails and Pink Gummies (not BigZigs). I’m not competitively fast; my GPS reads about 35mph on most of my bombs. Don’t feel like going faster w/out leathers.

I’ve also got a Lush Mako carver with R-IIs and 78a 70mm ZigZags, and a GFH Pigme with the stock trucks and 78a 66mm ZigZags. I used to have a Roe Bottlerocket for slalom, but it got run over by a schoolbus after bailing while killing cones.

Good to see you’re unicycling, too. What’s your sn on the 'Fish?



lol talk to me much about unicycling. What type of unicycle do you have and since when have you been unicycling?

Yeah, my roommate last year was into longboarding, and he was always drooling over the Loaded decks.

And about the sliding, I imagine you need sliding gloves and such? That would scare the crap outta me…which would make it all the more fun :slight_smile: . I could just never get over the speed wobbles (I didn’t try it much :stuck_out_tongue: ).

So is freebording acually much like snowboarding? I mean it looks identical the way those guys in their video were riding but I just want to ask someone that I know is honest about it.
I’m considering one because I’m big into snowboarding But I have trouble getting rides to the mountain, and my area is hilly.
If so, that would be the coolest thing ever.

oh man those freebord are sick

the site says they are just like snowboard but for all year round

meh…rob and riles, honestly, they are not totally like snowboards…from what I understand (I don’t ride one seriously, I have just tried it a couple times), it actually hinders your snowboarding skill. It gives you bad habits or something that doesn’t help your snowboarding. It looks a lot like it, but it doesn’t feel exactly like it.