Crazy stuff… subways go BOOM!
Aye, man!
I’ve been watching it all day on bbc news!
Pretty crazy, they reckon it was Al Kyeeda (i don’t know how to spell it!)
I hope any forum users living in london weren’t affected.
At the mo their saying there was 4 bombs on trains and one on a bus, 33 folk dead. You can see pics of the bus online, mental!
Hope no-one from here was involved.
More Recent:
Just heard there’s about 35+ deaths already.
To anyone in the London area I hope that your friends and family are safe.
Im in london right now, i thought my friend was joking when he sent me a text saying did you hear the bombs? Yeh just shows you if they want to bomb us they will nothing will stop them. Tony Blair thinks these id cards will prevent it happening but the most its going to do is show us the name of the people bombing us.
What this also shows us is that Al Queada is still trying to make a point, so the U.S. and British governments are going to have renewed justification for continuing their military policies abroad.
And I’m still having trouble grasping what Al Queada wants from us. If they really do just want us all to be dead, I’ll have to go along with the concept of “them first.”
My worry is in how you end a ‘war on terrorism.’ It will be really hard to define an endpoint. But as we go along, I think more of the world is separating themselves from those guys. The more that happens, the less help and sympathy they will have worldwide.
This time it was about getting British troops out of Iraq.
wanna know somethin weird…okay, so, a couple nights ago, my family was watching a movie. it was about 11:30 at night, and suddenly, there was this gigantic BOOOM outside. it was really scary. we didn’t know what it was, so we went exploring, and couldn’t find anything. so kept watching the movie. so of course the next day, we hear about all these explosions in London that went off at approximately 11:30 our time the previous night. it’s just weird.
oh, and to finish it off…the movie we were watching was Speed.
I am in no way an expert on who’s who in the Muslim world and this is probably very oversimplified. But as I understand, a Muslim sect, the Wahabi, are literal translationists of the Quran. They read that everyone is born a Muslim but then some are corrupted and go astray. They are corrupted into Jews and Christians or other faiths. They also read that these corrupted people are not worthy of being human and must be killed, I suppose in order to maintain a clean world free of infidels. There are also different levels of hell for the infidels where Jews are in a level just below Christians and the lowest level is reserved for the completely faithless.
My western mind has a terrible time trying to grasp the mindset of a terrorist. Don’t they know and feel inside that what they’re doing is wrong? Evidently, they don’t. Equivocally, our enemy probably fails to understand our view on peace or more correctly, has no use for our peaceful lifestyle. They rejoice upon the deaths of innocent people because they don’t see them as innocent.
As for the war on terror, I don’t believe it will ever end. If it hasn’t already, living with terror will become a way of life. An generation or two down the road, terrorist acts will be second nature and give way to a new and currently unknown crisis.
But the world marches on.
Bruce the Infidel
the word is deja vu
i’ve always maintained that ‘blessed are the atheists, for they shall be treated special like’
That bit of scripture must come out of the same book as my favorite verse, “If from dust we come and dust we shall return, then there’s someone either coming or going under my bed.”
It’s unfortunate that we also have a similar vein in the US. The Timothy McVeigh’s, Eric Rudolph’s, and abortion clinic bombers on the right, and the Ted Kaczynski (Unibomber) on the, uh, left (maybe). In fact, we have a pretty checkered history of using such violence against outgroups in the history of the South. The primary difference may be the willingness to dispose of oneself for the cause, though McVeigh didn’t seem to care. To date, Americans have generally only been willing to pay the big price in wars against other countries.
My condolences to all our bereaved friends in London!
I think the big difference is that all the individuals/organizations you listed are completely disconnected and disorganised. You’ll always have your loose canons.
These people are bigger, more spread out, smarter, and organized.
I don’t see our situation getting better anytime soon.
I believe in using public transportation, but the idea of using BART (SF’s version of the subway). during commute hours is getting more scary.
My heart goes out to all those affected.
Another thought that has been rumbling through my brain…
The world’s leaders refer to the terrorists as cowards. I just heard a comment from an authoritive figure yesterday that these cowards are afraid to put on a uniform and fight us like civilized wars should be fought.
I know the tough-talking rhetoric is necessary in this great big game of shoving back and forth, but I don’t see the terrorist’s methods as cowardly at all. In fact, they are using some pretty smart tactics (some that we most likely use ourselves behind the scenes). Perhaps a better descriptive term for the terrorists would be “menace” or some stronger term. The word “coward” is pretty much meaningless because, in my opinion, if it is intended to insult the enemy, it’s a pretty weak attempt.
I recently rewatched the movie “The Patriot”. In the movie, the Redcoats were aghast that the militia would hide behind trees and rocks to fight and not fight from the formed regiments as had been taught in Britain. When we look at that style of fighting now, it looks pretty silly, standing in the wide open all bunched together, an easy target. But the terrorists are in essence fighting with the same hiding methods as the militia. It just makes sense to me. Not that I agree with their cause whatsoever. These animals need to be removed from the face of the earth, but their methods are anything but cowardly.
Your take?
It seems sadly that all nations and most terrorist groups think that when they wage war, God is on their side. We humans can never imagine that God is on somebody else’s side.
The saddest thing is that we see ourselves as separate, which allows humans to kill each other.
And now each side will escalate, which won’t solve anything.
Condolences to our brothers and sisters in Britain.
I had some friends of friends nearby at the time it happened.
Watching the news, it’s easy to see how the media are trying to show the feelings of innocent muslims to stop an icrease in racial hatred.
Couldn’t agree more. We’ve been living with terrorist attacks on various levels at least since the Carter administration so, about 30 years now. It’s just becoming more prevalant. I think that the war on terror is every bit as winnable as the war on drugs and we all know what a huge success that’s been .
Agreed again. I’ve often thought about this. Which requires greater bravery and commitment, strapping a bomb to yourself and detonating it or pushing a button on a computer to launch a missile from a hundred miles away.
It’s more like the war on crime. We don’t give up on locking up criminals just because crime continues. To stop would create a society that civilized people do not want to live in. Same with the terrorists. You continue to go after them and don’t stop. To give in or give up would lead to a society that civilized people don’t want to live in.