living room practice

I would be too concerned about damaging important valuable or fragile things if an UPD occurs.

This makes me wonder how well a wheel with a non internal disk hub would hold up in comparison. I don’t know if I will ever get to this level, but nice to know how well things stand up in comparison.

The rim on this uni is not drilled and seemed to hold up ok. Would it have failed if it was drilled?

So what can you already do on a uni? I learned riding in my apartment 2 years ago and when I finally could ride 4 rotations, I took it outside. Only idling I’ve been trying since inside my apartment/house. If you have neighbours living below you I wouldn’t learn to hop.
When you put all furniture to the side, you can try riding small circles. Do you have carpet or a hard floor?

Nothing wrong with boats. I have a sailing dinghy, and inflatable and 2 kayaks in the garage.

Can you find an empty hangar or shed nearby? Or is there any sort of village hall, church hall, community hall that you can use?

Failing that, it is perfectly possible to ride in bad weather. Ice and deep snow are a problem, of course.

Plenty of top riders do crazy stuff/huge drops with KH drilled rims and they hold OK (there must be loads of videos in you tube). I am sure quite a few rims (drilled or not drilled) break here and there when doing extreme stuff (nothing is bomb proof!).

Hi there

It must be a real pain to have so much snow and ice. Where I live is ice/snow free all year round so never had that problem (plenty of mud and rain though!). When I was learning I tried to do it inside the house but I found that it was quite difficult if you are still trying to learn the basics (not enough space). As others have pointed out a big indoor hall would be your best bet if you want avoid ice outside…

Oops, wrong thread, sorry, should be this one Drilled rims questions - #50 by Up_Rite

Thanks for all the advice. Whatever I do, I’ll let you know.
Will be nice starting next year to be in somewhat milder weather so I can be out riding and hopefully be more comfortable riding in snow and on ice :slight_smile:

Weather in my location is heavy rain ongoing for the next week. Yuck. Throws a wrench into regular outdoor practice.

I love snow and ice. If you have a Schwalbe Ice spiker tyre, you’ll get all the grip you need.

UniMyra, that is amazing. I need get one of those tires. Of course, first thing is to learn to ride well enough to ride like that. I think the furtherest I rode, before I moved, was 40’ or so, and that was in paved parking area.
Thanks for the video and info on that tire (tyre).

Here is an update/improvement of Unigeezer’s “Uni-Roller”:

Interesting, but I think I’d want to keep reaching for that bar :slight_smile:
Think my winter is going to consist of riding my rowing machine. Had some snow, then it got rained on, then turned cold. Ice everywhere.
At this time in my life, not interested to go out and try riding on that :wink:

Practice , practice, practice

Any seat time is better than no seat time. My nephew learned to ride in his hallway and basement. How, I can’t imagine.

Here’s a pic my son sent me of me. One of his friends sent it to him, and he sent it to me. It was my first unicycle ride in the snow 2 days ago. Why, because I had 1/2 hour to kill.

Nice picture. Congrats.
Here, it has warmed and now it is rain on top of all the ice. Hate this type of winter. Much prefer when it’s winter, then just stay winter, not cold then warm and back to cold, etc.

$2.79 Unicycle Exerciser

Here is a unicycle exerciser I put together for those days it is just too nasty to go outdoors. I’m working on leg/quads strengthening and this thing really does a job on my legs. In use I stand up and have very little weight on handle bars. Unlike a unicycle on rollers this puts about half my weight on the front and half on the back peddle. Kind of like an ultimate wheel or a unicycle on rough ground. It doesn’t take long to turn my legs to jelly. Also with the speedo it works well to track my improvement in speed cycling and general peddling coordination. With the speedo calibrated to a 36" unicycle I’ve hit 21.2 mph (34.1 kph) (that’s 152mm cranks at 199rpm) and getting better as time goes on. I don’t really plan on riding my uni at that speed but the extra speed ability is always a good thing to have in reserve.

All of the parts I picked up at no cost except for the “Waterproof 14 Function LCD Bike Bicycle Odometer Speedometer Cycling Speed Meter” and that cost me $2.79 delivered to my front door.


Friggin’ creative :heart:

SIF workout

Here’s a pretty good exercise, but becareful.
I am trying to learn to ride SIF(seat in front), which really means riding the unicycle “without sitting on it”.
Yup, you are completely on your feet and the seat is in your hands in front of you.

One day I will be able to do this and so this is my training to get there. Working both balance and strength.
This is one of my practice, which does not involve any pedal motion. ( I also will use hand rails for actual pedal practice)

So this can easily be done indoors.
1.) Get on unicycle and have something solid to hold.
2.) Stand up and get off seat. Use other hand to hold seat in front of you.
3.) Carefully, squat straight down. Then go back up
4.) Again, and again, again…etc.

Do this over/over… also, alternate pedal in front.
Just be careful in the beginning. Just holding the seat is a challenge.
It took me a few weeks to develop confidence/total control.

I have enjoyed reading and seeing all the suggestions.
Unicyclists are a creative “can do” group of people for sure :slight_smile:

SIF workout

The only skill I have ever productively worked on in my living room was juggling while idling, but I don’t live in a land of never-ending rain or eternal winter, so riding indoors usually isn’t necessary, and I don’t have much space for it anyway.

Thanks for the reminder, though, Slamdance. I have needed to practice SIF squatting for a long time. I already ride and hop SIF, but the squatting is supposed to be good for high jumps. I’ll do it outdoors, though!