Little people, BIG mistakes

The real La-Z-Boy story.
Now I can finally sleep at night.

I was at our cottage on Cape Cod that my parents shared with an aunt and uncle. My aunt was standing up with her back to me. My father, sitting down, was facing me as I was standing about 15 feet away. My aunt, the controlling type, was really giving my uncle a tongue lashing about some very trivial item. I had been hearing this b$%ing going on for several years and apparently I had, had enough. So without thinking about what my actions could create, I flipped the1 finger salute her way. As soon as I did it, I realized that my life on this planet would soon be over, especially when I saw that my father was looking right at me. Divine intervention must have occurred, because my dad never mentioned it.

Move ahead 25 years. I finally bring up the event to my father. His response was, he didn’t recall seeing me do it, but if he had, he would have applauded.

No. Trade it to Jagur in exchange for one month of high-discipline parenting. I think you’ll both come out ahead.

Somone noticed. :slight_smile:

Way to go Harper…
My Dad and brothers rebuilt VWs when I was a kid. This happened to us, too. After that, my Dad bought or fashioned a tool to retrieve it. It looked like a long spring on a screw driver handle with a magnet on the other end. I couldn’t say if it ever happened a second time, but I guess everybody takes an engine apart again at least once.

Plus, the tool was fun to play with.

Someone else did too, they just didn’t comment on it.

They were saving up their comment to compliment you on the return of the dogmato-revisionist.

How did you know that I noticed but didn’t comment?

But the second part is false because I don’t know what a dogmato-revisionist is.

Oh, you meant you. :slight_smile: