List Of Moves

I think it would be cool to have a compilation of all the unicycle moves and
tricks people here have seen or done themselves. That way we could all see how
we could improve our riding. Im willing to compile a list if nobody has done
so already, kindof a move FAQ but it might take me a while to get out
depending on how hard I study. If someone wants to put it on a web page that
would be best i think. Email me with comments or your tricks or just to tell
me its been done already.


Re: List Of Moves

540 unispin. Can Anyone do it?

Yes, Javier does it about 70% of his tries. Jose Roman has also done it, but
less often.

When Jose tries it, he likes to start with his seat forward, so he will
actually end up with his seat backwards. His feeling is that it gives him good
starting grip.

Javier likes to start with his seat backwards and end up in regular riding. The
idea is to make the laanding a little easier.

This skill is difficult not only because of the speed you must generate when you
jump from your pedals so that the uni will have rotated one & a half times
before you land. Also, because your elbow cannot do 540 degrees. When you do a
360, it is important to keep a good grip on the seat. With the 540, you have to
actually let go of the seat hoping that the uni stay upright so that you don’t
hurt yourself.

Alberto Ruiz

PD Hurricane Marylin did no harm to San Juan. It did lots of damages to the
Virgin Islands, a couple of island owns that are part of Puerto Rico named
Vieques & Culebras. Some damage to the eastern tip of Puerto Rico. Haven’t
check, but Isabela & Mar Chiquita are to the west, so they should be OK. Lots of
rain, so must be careful with floods.

Re: List Of Moves

I’m beginning to agree with Jack Halpern as far as redundant/duplicated
questions in this group :frowning:

David Winston

Re: List Of Moves

> I think it would be cool to have a compilation of all the unicycle moves and
> tricks people here have seen or done themselves. That way we could all see how
> we could improve our riding. Im willing to compile a list if nobody has done
> so already, kindof a move FAQ but it might take me a while to get out
> depending on how hard I study. If someone wants to put it on a web page that
> would be best i think. Email me with comments or your tricks or just to tell
> me its been done already.
> Amos

A few months back, I decided just for kicks to try to define the skill levels
past 10. (Also because a few people are getting close to 10 and we need some
more challenges.) The following list is a very rough cut. There are many more to
add, including some from the Standard skill list.

Level 11

  • Ride backward one footed with the right foot in a figure 8
  • Ride backward one footed with the left foot in a figure 8
  • Ride one footed with the seat out in front in a circle
  • Walk the wheel one footed with left foot in a figure 8
  • Walk the wheel one footed with right foot in a figure 8
  • Walk the wheel backward in a figure 8
  • 360 uni spin
  • Sideways wheel walk in a circle
  • Sideways wheel walk one footed
  • Coast in a circle
  • Coast feet in for 10 m
  • Coast foot out for 10 m
  • Coast standing up
  • Side ride in a circle
  • Walk the wheel one footed backward in a circle
  • Still stand 3 seconds
  • Twist 5 times
  • Riding hop-twist 180
  • Riding backwards hop-twist 180
  • Side saddle ride for 10 m

Level 12

  • Ride one footed with the seat out in front in a figure 8
  • Sideways wheel walk in a figure 8
  • Sideways wheel walk with right foot
  • Sideways wheel walk with left foot
  • Sideways sitting wheelwalk
  • Coast in a figure 8
  • Coast standing up in a circle
  • Side ride in a figure 8
  • Side ride with left foot
  • Side ride with left foot
  • Walk the wheel one footed backward in a figure 8
  • Still stand 5 seconds
  • Riding hop-twist 360
  • Riding backwards hop-twist 360
  • Side saddle ride in a circle

Level 13

  • Coast standing up in a figure eight
  • Coast backwards 10 m
  • Coasting spin
  • Sideways wheel walk one foot on seat
  • Side saddle ride in a figure 8

Level 14

  • Coast backwards in a figure 8
  • Coasting backspin
  • Coasting frontspin
  • Coasting spin to the right
  • Coasting spin to the left
  • Sideways coasting

level 15

  • Coast standing up backspin
  • Coast standing up frontspin
  • Coast standing up spin
  • Sideways coasting in a circle
  • Coasting both feet out

Enjoy, Bill Gilbertson

Re: List Of Moves

Bill Gilbertson ( wrote:

: Level 11
: - Still stand 3 seconds

Is this just balancing stationary (ie no rocking back and forth) ? I ask because
I reckon myself to be level 3, and need to crack one-footed next, but I can do
this stationary for 3 secs reasonably easily. Everything else above level 7
makes me feel queazy just thinking about it.

I feel sure I must haver missed something, or am I a freak ?

regards, Ian Smith

Re: List Of Moves

Ian Smith ( wrote:
: Bill Gilbertson ( wrote:

: : Level 11
: : - Still stand 3 seconds

: Is this just balancing stationary (ie no rocking back and forth) ? I ask
: because I reckon myself to be level 3, and need to crack one-footed next, but
: I can do this stationary for 3 secs reasonably easily. Everything else above
: level 7 makes me feel queazy just thinking about it.
I agree, I have looked through the list for each level and I can do many of the
very hard tricks, but not enough to be above about level 5, (I’m too lazy to
check the list to make a more acurate estimate) I can nearly to 10 meters
backward one footed and can also stay still for 3 seconds, I can also do a trick
where I rock but not either side of the dead spot, ie 90degrees out of the
normal rocking position, is there a name for that ?

I assume that to go up a level you have to be able to do all of the tasks well.
Therefore all it means if you can do some of the supposidly harder ones is that
you will find it easier to progress once you learn the other tricks holding you
back, but I think a complete re-check on the level of difficultness is needed.

As for gliding, how on earth can you do that ? Ride one wheeled then put your
other foot on the other side of the frame (if your riding one footed with one
foot on the frame already that is) and balence with your arms flapping wildly ??

: I feel sure I must haver missed something, or am I a freak ?

: regards, Ian Smith

Damion Yates - Sheffield Uni, UK.