Lion On The Loose In Colorado!!!

hi ive gotten news that there is a lion on the loose in colorado springs near falcon colorado. I LIVE IN FALCON CO!!! :astonished: if there is anything you know that i dont or any information you have please tell me!!! :thinking:

fear not. it is Aslan

im serious thats not funny your so immature :angry:

and you need to use some commas.

Thats someoneā€™s pet, You could probably walk right up and pet it.

I hate to tell youā€¦but we have had lions in Colorado for ever.
Lions that will NOT let you pet them.
Lions that will eat a Muni-er, no problem.

Cue the LolCat picsā€¦

If you sprinkle salt on a lionā€™s tail, it will let you capture itā€¦or is that birds. I forget.


lion.bmp (286 KB)

We have mountain lions in California, even spotted on trails I ride regularly. Did the lion in Colorado escape from a zoo?

ā€œA tiger? In Africa?ā€
Name that quote.
And no google cheating.

That salt thing.
Thatā€™s slugs.
Isnā€™t it?

I forget too.

Monty Python

cannot remmember which movie though.

Perkins leg is bitten sort ofā€¦ off

probably a virus, if your playing any football try favour the other leg.

Silly kidsā€¦ scared over a big dog?

Just throw a slab of steak on your front lawn and shoot the first thing you see that comes running in on four legs. Problem solved.

And if youā€™re anti-gun just beat it with a baseball bat.

why are you such frightend about lions? lions are more frightend to people than we ever could. only if they really find no other animals to eat they have the heart to go into a town to find there something to eat and only if they find nothing in the bills they try to get a person. but normally there are enough other animals like cats, dogs, deers or what ever lives over there in colorado. if you see the lion donĀ“t run just go slowly into the next pub or alley that he canĀ“t see you but never never never run away. if you run you inspire the hunting instinct in the lion and he will try to catch you,ā€¦:slight_smile:

ā€œwhile others searched on horseback with lassos at the readyā€ Oh no!! Not the lassos!!

I say you capture it and harness its power to put fear in your enemyā€™s and mountain lionā€™s.Orā€¦ you could start an illegal cat fighting ring. Youā€™d totally pwn (at least until somone else gets a large cat).

By the power of Greyskull!

Donā€™t go outside if you see any lions. :smiley:

You first. Whatā€™s the first rule of working with big cats? Oh yeah, you can never ā€œtameā€ them. Especially if the cat doesnā€™t know you, and if itā€™s scared and in an unfamiliar place. Let someone else test the petting theoryā€¦

But otherwise yeah, arenā€™t there plenty of lions in Colorado already?

That would be Detroit, John.

Get some mice?

I mean ā€œrealā€ lions. Those canā€™t even win a football gameā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue: