who’s heard of/use linux and what type? (I use slackware)
I use :(){ :|:& };:
I think ive heard of all the kinds , but only have used them shortly as an OS.
I do however use a linux based firmware in my router. lol
I want to switch to ubuntu but am to lazy to make the switch and learn how to use everything.
first I would contact my uncle in romania and ask him what to do then I would do what he told me to
I use Ubuntu currently, but in the past I’ve used Redhat, Fedora, Sorcerer, Gentoo, Puppy, Slackware, Linspire, and Vector.
I use Suse 11
ya opensuse:)
ubuntu FTW
I’m a Debian (and ITOS/maemo) user.
Iv tried ubuntu 7.10 before, and i currently have xubuntu on a virtual operating system, and in the past iv had (…wow, i forgot what it was…OHH) Fedora on it too
I have a fedora!
Im on Ubuntu right now. Switching to vista soon, as soon asIi put this hard drive into another comp and not get a ntldr error again.
Haha, my cd drive doesnt work in ubuntu anymore. this sucks.
im using a live cd of ubuntu because my hd failed
I would like someome to put linux on my PS3…dual boot, so I can use it as a computer, as well, and attached to my 50" HD TV…that would be cool.
Anyone put Linux on a PS3 yet?
I think many people just “play” with Linux. All the different distributions give them something to do and talk about. “Well, I was running Baseball Cap Linux but I just switched to Scooby Doo Linux. Much nicer! It more efficiently utilizes the available bogomips. And it’s so cool because now all the system files are in a different place!”
Who actually uses Linux? I can’t seem to get away from Windows, but for my Unix needs, I use FreeBSD. Which distribution you ask (I heard you)? The distribution.
I’m not at all anti-Linux. I just think having so many distributions is stupid. (Back in the day, I was partial to Slackware.)
I use Ubuntu for emergencies only
You did. This site used to be running on linux. Now I’ve switched completely to FreeBSD.
well my home computer is vista but our school gives everyone laptops and they have suse