
limewire is being stupid…
i unistalled it, then went to install it again and it wont let me…
it keeps sayin something about how an older version is running or sumthing…
so i went to delete the limewire files and it wont let me delete them…
anyone have any idea wat im talking about…and if so can someone help me get the files off of my computer…

You could still have processes of limewire running, which would cause the files not be deleted, because they are still being used.

You could do the Ctrl+Alt+Del and see if you have and processes of it still running, end them, then go back and try to delete the files.

OR, you could start your computer into safe mode, then uninstall/delete all the limewire files from there, and restart back to the normal mode and see if that did it for you,

i just fixed it…there was the icon in the bottom right hand corner by the time and stuff and i had to exit it…
so i fixed it…

I hate applications that think that “exit” or “close” means “keep the program running as an icon in the task tray”. “Exit” or “Close” should mean exactly that.

yeah its pretty stupid…
but its free music so i like it…

and free movies:D

And free pr0n
And free trojans in EXE archives
And free letters from the RIAA (oh wait, those aren’t free) :wink:

orrrrr…you could just find websites to download the stuff from, I thinkk its easier…

limewire scares me cuse of how easy it easy to get viruses from it especially if ur getting bad stuff…
yeah exe files are bad too cuse its usually through those that viruses come…

Well I don’t think they actualy charge you for the letter…:slight_smile:

Has any private individual been charged by the RIAA for dling music?

new question…
ive downloaded music from limewire onto my ipod before and that music is on my itunes,
so i went to download some more music again and it wont download onto my ipod…its downloaded in my itunes but it wont download onto my ipod…

lime wire bad lime wire cause virus makes me see weird porn saying it is a movie… so I got rid of it fast.

Can’t you just download it to your computer, then transfer it to your ipod without limewire?

thats basicly wat it does…it goes to the shared files unless directed to a different spot, then u open the file with your itunes or windows media player (WMP)

Okay well I don’t have an Ipod, but…

Download the song

go to my computer and open the removable (Ipod) device

copy/paste the song or drag it over, etc. directly onto the device?

Many, actually.