limewire users

if you have lime wire is it worth d-loading? and isnt it illegal.

no its legal you just have to disable the sharing function…i think its a great program…i have it and i love it.

yea it’s illegal… but w/e if u only do legal things have fun men… u coudnt even party under 18…

so i just have to turn off the share thing then its legal? and besides even if it was illegal i wouldnt get in trouble for having it would i? the copany would just get closed down if it got busted?

i just searched if it was legal and i think it is because its made for legal file sharing buit people just use it illegaly

it rocks, so what if it happens to be illegal.

no, its illegal

good free flash animators

what kind of flash animators are good and are any free?

legal, illegal, potatoe, puhtawtoe.

i use bearshare. it is way better than limewire. the free version is awesome. you can even download videos for your ipod video! tis a great program. also, you can download limewire pro so ive heard on one of the programs. lol. but yea i recommend bearshare, its really user friendly and it has a lot of the underground nonsense.

i use limewire and it is great… and i dont think it is illeagal… well atleast in canada

just go trade on the IRC servers… lotsa ppl with lotsa mp3 transfering real fast…

It depends on what you do with it. If you download copyrighted material then it’s illegal but if you don’t it’s not.