Liar Liar

I’m in the process of building an 18’ dovetail car hauler. I converted an old 27’ Apache travel trailer for the job. This afternoon, I was out welding on stake pockets and was wearing a pair of coveralls that I had caught on something once and torn right about the knee on one leg. As I was sitting on the ground, suddenly my leg got real warm. I ripped off my welding helmet to discover that my pant leg was on fire. Evidently, an ember had fallen into the rip and caught the hanging threads on fire. I’m fine with just a little red mark on my leg, but that makes me an official “Liar, liar!”


stake pocket.JPG


I saw your thread title and thought you were starting a thread of tall tales and half truths, only to find out you’re not lying or embellishing at all. There is a reason you’re known as St. Bruce.

However, from now on I’m telling everyone you were caught wearing hot pants, and admitted it.

Nice work with the trailer, my dad once saw a guy in a factory he was wokring in dive in a quenching trough becasue he’d managed to set his socks on fire. How are you planning to lop 9 foot off that trailer?

I cut off the back end and the front end, split the trailer down the middle including the axles, then put it all back together. Fairly simple, just a lot of work, electricity, and welding wire.

I added more crossmember supports after this photo was taken. Also some of the existing expansion pieces are not straight. I had to cut them out and redo them to make a flat surface.

I sent this story to my family and a few friends and have been amazed how few understood the meaning of Liar Liar. So just in case anyone’s wondering…



Mr. Yoopers! What will the students think‽
You’ve got to set a better example for the children.

I didn’t get it untill just now.

It would have been much more effective if you would have said “…my pants were on fire” instead of pant leg…

What is amazing is how that phraze is recognized by so many when it probably originally spread before the age of mass media.

I got the connection right away: “Liar liar pants on fire, hanging on the telephone wire”. Then some would add some other phrase with an obscure reference to saurkrout.

Nice trailer work.

To further my thread jack…

It hit me in the middle of the night that was from another playground taunt: I made you look You dirty crook. You stole your mother’s pocketbook. You turned it in, You turned it out, You turned it into a sauerkraut.

A little web search finds many of these taunts were already around by the '50s.

I see London, I see France…

So is Mary calling you “Hot Pants” now?

Ah yes.

I think that one is also mentioned in Chapter 3 of the Playground Nostalgia Book: Monkey Bar Memoirs.