
Ok so people are like im a level 2… and then some people are like level 12’s…whats the difference i dont get it…And could you explain what you have to do to get to these levels? Thanks!

Here you can find the levels

there is also level 10.5 and 11

ok, do a google search for unicycle usa skill levels-there are 10, but people do tricks above & beyond so they call themselves level 11

skill levels are basically a way to tell you how good you are at unicycling, but are highly inaccurate … i am a level 7 (still working on getting the seat on side perfect) but i can unispin and hop-180 … when i was level 5?? i could do most of the level 7 stuff

i dont really know whats not to get. but the twin cities uniycle club has the skill level requirements on thier website.

i thought those were just made up for ppl better than level 10!!

i thought level 11 was to perform acts similar to procreation on top of a unicycle (whilst riding)

10.5 is the same as 11, just more lonely and less fulfilling. (I am running on assumption here as I don’t plan on doing either.)

The current set of skill levels are a very bad indicator of “how good you are” unless it is in relation only to the tricks included in the levels. The main purpose of the levels is to present a number of (flatland) unicycle skills in a rough order of progression, to give people ideas of what to try next, and goals for improving their skills.

You have to pass a level test to “be” a level, otherwise you can only estimate your level. It is normal to learn skills out of order. I can do all of the skills in Level 9, at least a little, but I am only a Level 7. Being a level 7 does not make me “better” than someone who has passed level 6, unless you are only comparing those specific skills. Many of the world’s top (Freestyle/Flatland) riders may have never taken a levels test.

How can you know you’re a Level 2 without knowing what the skill levels are? :thinking:

A new skills system is in the works:

Yeah, I think the levels really are for a rough progression idea. I’m not even to level 1 yet because of the examination requirements, but can do things on the level 2 list. Again, I’m a n00bster. :sunglasses:

Also, while we’re on this note, how do you get examined for a level? I know you need a licensed instructor to “certify” you, but where the $*%& do you find one? :thinking:

does it not say somewhere in small print that you can test yourself up to level 4?

Sweet im a level 1 w00t w00t!! Its gonna take me some time for level 2…i think im doing good for riding for 1 week, i can ride as far as i want now forward, i can freemount, i can bunnyhop 2 cms, i can ride off curbs…i can ride uphill and downhill now very steep though…im pretty skillfull!

unicycling levels keep you confined. i hate them. they dont teach you the fundametals like some people try to say…theyre just like extra skills. i say learn the tricks you want to learn, because its much mroe enjoyable for yourself…following levels is like you have something to prove…lol

What are the fundamentals? I know some of them are in there, and the levels are aimed at tricks on flat ground (can be practiced in a gym) only. What would you recommend?

I’m almost a level two. I think I can do everthing except ride in a figure 8, and I might be able to do that if I had an area big enough.

Just to clarify the meaning of lvl 10.5 and 11.

10.5 is masturbation while riding a uni.

11 is having sex while riding a uni.

All clear? good, but I bet your mind isnt anymore. =p

Well, yeah, I dont know what level I am, I dont think I am a 5 cause I cant WW yet, but I can do a lot of stuff in the upper levels. I really dont rely too much on the levels, but they are great to learn.

I don’t use the levelling system because im not a competative person anyway, I don’t care if my little brother is a higher level than I am. I have fun riding my uni and thats what counts.

I don’t even know what the criteria are for level one, I have never even looked at the skill levels.

I think we should just enjoy riding and stop worrying that we are better than person X or Y.

Rock on!

I follow the levels when I’m stumped for what to learn next. It’s basically a laundry list of skills in ascending order. While I’m sure there are people that ride to be better than other people, for me it’s just a self-test anyhow as there are no testers in the area. I’d never know half the things I know now if not for the levels, they really gave direction to my learning.

The 10 levels in video.
Level 11 in graphics.

thats a little odd … are you some kind of evil pornstar?