Letting famous assholes out of prison

Apparently, they are releasing the guy who shot Reagan because he had a crush on Jodie Foster, 35 years ago. To soon. I remember this because I also had a crush on Jodie Foster, but knew she was a lesbian, so I could sort of share his frustration. It was like being a Democrat then, and saying “why are we so anti gun”, even our deranged nuts can’t shoot well, Even toon wing nut republicans like Oswald can pop off a shot, but no, not an anti republican. Hinkly shot old Ron from 4 feet away and missed. Jodie Foster was not impressed. Perhaps because she is a republican, but I don’t know. I’m going more with she’s a lesbian, and this guy is insane, plus you know, movie stars are picky.

Is it a good Idea to let famous nuts out ? Whats he going to do next ? write a book or date a Kardasian? I am of the opinion that people who gain fame by shitty means should rot in the pen Yeah, Pen pal Manson, Sir Han Sir Han, Get a middle name Sir Han. Shit. John wilks Booth. Does anyone here know John Foss’s middle name? No, and they won’t unless he turns into a shit that shoots a rock legend. Here’s to you Mark DAVID Chapman. If they ever let that fuck out ,…let’s just say he is less popular than Reagan. How many devoted Beatles fans would want to go down in history as the person, middle name included, who capped Mark David shit hole Chapman. ?

What about other famous people with middle names? LBJ? JFK? Explain that?

You only sort of have me with that one

FDR, had a middle name. Point taken. Stalin, Mao, Not criminals,(depending who you talk to). Sting, Cher, Bono, Slash, not criminally bad at music. No middle names though.

I guess my point is that although a dangerous murderous person can perhaps be changed , cured even. What message does it send when someone becomes massively famous for shooting a celebrity, then gets to leave prison ? I mean, this guy shot Reagan. I was such a staunch, anti nuke peace Dem leaning guy at the time, that I admit, at the time, my biggest regret was his poor aim. Reagan is dead now, still, it bothers me that they will release this guy. Not because Reagan was later redeemed by history. I didn’t support the crime when it happened, some things should be inexcusable.

I think there should be no sentence more than 20 yrs. After 20 the convicted person will never fit into society again and will just cost the general public money to exist. If the crime was worthy of 20 it is worthy of the death penalty. I think an option to donate organs for time off should be looked into. Donate a kidney=5yrs off your sentence. Liver maybe 8…whatever. Life without parole is a waste of money. Hard line opinion I know, but rot needs to be cut away.

Yeah, that is pretty hard line

I see your point, but don’t really share it. With the death penalty, we are certain to eventually execute an Innocent person. In actuality, I am almost certain we already have. So I don’t support the death penalty in any case. Even with Hinkley. They caught him with a warm gun in his hand, that they saw him shooting. Classic case of the smoking gun. Still, it could have been Pen and Teller. I don’t know, and would prefer we don’t shoot captured people.

Yes, America has definitely killed wrongly convicted people. That is one of the reasons why, IIRC, the death penalty is more expensive than life sentencing. I do think it would be good if those convicted could donate organs, or be the human test dummy for some crazy drugs, at least that way they could give back to society. I suppose there are ethical concerns with that, but if someone wanted to, they should be able to. What really needs to happen is for people to stop committing crimes, but I guess there will always be some desperate lunatic out there. Though I must admit, the one off nut jobs probably aren’t the people jacking up my taxes.

Sounds interesting, though I imagine there’s some major breach of medical ethics in there somewhere; an equivalence to selling one’s organs. However if it were to happen, I would think the value would be less than the number of years you suggested, or maybe as a percentage of sentence.

I used to be on the fence about capital punishment, but not any more. There are many reasons why it’s bad for the state to kill people on purpose.

Back on the original topic, I was wondering what the state of Hinkley’s condition is, that people think this is a reasonable course of action. One thing I learned from an article I saw, is that apparently he’s been spending about 17 days per month at his mom’s already, so they aren’t just tossing him out to see what happens. But his mom is 90, so not sure if she is actually keeping an eye on him or anything…

A more interesting thread topic would be: “Famous assholes handed a get out of jail free card.”

Get out of jail free ?

You must be joking. Or Ford Pardoning Nixon. Do you know Cheny and Bush? Or is this an historical comment, like when Lincoln stated that if the chief justice opens his mouth one more time about him suspending Habious Corpus , he’s going to bust the head of the supremes.

Or maybe you were referring to Hillory. My favorite choice as the next dickless asshole to fuck my country. She can’t be prosecuted for obviously breaking freedom of information laws, because she might likely soon be president. You can’t be talking about Trump, because there are no lies he hasn’t already told. This is a guy who can bankrupt a casino, with mob backing. That’s not easy.

You sound like a soft anti death penalty guy: If they could perfect the judicial system so no innocents would be executed, it might be OK with you.

Those against the death penalty carry a wallet card and put a statement in their will (since victim’s wishes are often considered at sentencing): If I die as a result of violence committed against me, I do not want my killer punished by death, no matter how much I suffered or how heinous my death was.

someone on the forum has this already in his signature.

I also suspect this: we want to kill a criminal because we cannot stand that he is “one of us” … so we want to obliterate the fact that some part of our inner self is prone to crime. (and we indulge in fantasies and games where we can kill -often for “a good cause”-).
Though not myself a christian I admire some aspects of christianity on this behalf. Yesterday I heard a nun on the radio: she was a witness of an horrendous crime where a priest had his throat cut by terrorists, she moaned the victim but also the criminals and their families: all are human beings … though difficult we have to accept that.

plus 1 to the drunk bear

To learn to forgive is freeing. Not so much to the person who hurt you. To you

As a non religious person, I am less sure I can be forgiven. I have been an ass at times, but you know, fuck it. Like non of you guys have ever made mistakes. Still, at times I do feel a bit guilty. Maybe that’s good…

Forgiven by whom?

If the beneficiary of forgiveness is the forgiver, the larger virtue is to forgive.

Dave “Gild”??