okay write the bible one word at a time!
ill start
okay write the bible one word at a time!
ill start
…beginning, God did some stuff, made the world, flooded the world, then sent this LSD’d rainbow to make people feel better after being drowned, then he did some more stuff, and had a son
His son did some stuff, then died, and then got reborn, and then floated up into the sky, where he supposedly does some more stuff
The End
Totally uncalled for.
Gah, one word at a time. Cheater.
yeah i had a problem with this earlier too and when i refered to shaun as god…you may not think so but some people are offended by that. there are all sorts on this forum and i agree with kelly…this thread is just disrespectful.
I don’t understand how it’s disrespectful, seriously…no one is mocking God or Jeebus or anyone in El Biblo…
i can see that quite clearly…lol…i myself am not religious but some are so maybe threads like this are best kept un posted
this thread is not disrespectful at all…in my not so humble opinion. its just a fun silly forum thing!!
I can see how my post would of been distasteful, but oh well…it’s my sense of humor, and there was no vulgarity or anything that bad…if it honestly offended someone that bad, then they need to elarn how to take a joke
My point is, this thread should not be offensively…
ok i was only saying so that i could clear myself of any guilt from posting in this thread which i most likely will.
so what word did we leave off at?? lol
I finished it, duh
ok onto the dictionary then…ill start (unless you count ‘a’ as a word)
This thread would be approx. 51649 pages long if we actually did that…and there was no other side convos or anything
haha, yeah right
hey…we could finally beat most replies…i say we go for it.
Hey KH: I got your signature spelled out. It’s:“Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
It actually sounds a littel like the one I posted on Christian Unicyclists thread last week! I bet if I actually read that Book, I’d keep seeing the SAME message coming me at me from all different angles. WOW!
Ha yeah it is Billy. One of my favorite verses.
Man I wasn’t trying to diss the thread, I just didn’t like the whole Bible put into like 1 paragraph.
Sorry for the gripeness. I was kinda in a bad mood.
It all good?