Left or Right?

Sorry, tyler, but after a recent fiasco, the first thing I did when I read that sentence was to check that that was really you. I had somehow thought an 11 year old would be slightly less profane, and had also expected you to have raised your standards of replies. But, alas, it’s really you. So, rather than asking why someone made a fake username, I’ll reproach your views.

First, the statement about democrats not always being wimpy. Kerry lost because he wasn’t a strong candidate, and didn’t know how, when, or where to lie. Deomcrats are NOT left, unless you compare them to the Klan and Bush, in which, of course they’re left, since when compared to religious fundamentalists and facists, everyone’s left or middle! Democrats are sheep, look at the votes for the war in Iraq. Look at all the popular votes, and you will find that dems go for the popular side, rather than following any set of morals. That is weak.

Tyler, only a bumbling idiot would think that I support Bush or his policies after all the political input that I’ve given on this site. You didn’t understand my post and thus shouldn’t have tried to argue with it. You assume that because I don’t like Dems I support bush. You need to expand your mind, because that is downright ignorant. It shows that you do not understand the political spectrum, rather you have used what you
have heard from your parents and friends to derive a slight comprehension. Dems aren’t left, and don’t argue with that because you have shown that the only thing you know about politics is that dems=good, republicans=bad (don’t support one and by default you must support the other), which is wrong.

Go search some of my political debates and rants I’ve participated in, to refresh your memory. And don’t take your foolish ideas out to then tell me that my opinion is wrong. Go find the definition of “relative”. Oh, yeah, the word “perspective” is also pretty important. Read my original post, and see if it includes any of those words.

Democrats are left, just not very much.

If these guys were about in the UK I’d definitely vote for them:

The general elections are coming up here in the UK very soon and can’t decide whether to vote liberal democrat or green party (since there’s no monster raving loony presence in my constituency(in fact are they even still going?)). Unfortunately where I live we’ve had a conservative local government for a looooong time and there’s bugger all chance of getting anyone other than the conservatives in here. I’m rambling…I think it’s fairly safe to say I’m left of centre…Although having said that Boris Johnson’s always had a special place in my heart. I heard him described the other day as the love child of Margaret Thatcher and Scooby Doo…hahahahaaaa.



Libertarians in the US always pull the 'publican lever. Then they lie about it.

Bush isn’t conservative. He’s a fundamentalist. (Ours are the same as theirs, but better organized.)

'publicans don’t seem to know they’ve been coopted by fundamentalists; but they won’t care when they learn cuz deep down, power feels purty gud.

If I could choose any party in any country, I’d choose one in an Amsterdam Cafe’. But if Hans Genscher came, I might join the German Liberal Pary, if they’d take an American.

not true

Case in point:p :wink:

OK. I guess a few admit it. Like George Will.

geez youre an ass:(

RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE. Miljöpartiet de gröna. http://www.miljopartiet.se The greens. Proud member.