Left or Right?

I’m amazed at the number of deep tricky topics that are consistently posted by unicyclists (euthanasia, war, peace, gender issues, tattoos, etc.). Hazzas to everyone who contributes meaningful discussion!

Anyhoo, this had led me to the following poll?

Are you on the left of the political spectrum or the right, or do you find yourself stuck in the middle? I have a suspicion…

Oops. I forgot the poll. Oh well. Feel free to respond.

I’m to the left.

American politic splendid douche.

To the left.


anyway, I think I’m somewhere in the middle, but I don’t think I know enough about politics to argue about them, I’m out.

EDIT okay, maybe a tad to the left.

I seem to do this more often than I like.

You are a poet sir. No need protesting or feigning ignorance. It’s a fact.

Far right.

Jsm is THE american politic of slow wrists. Nazi facsit who kill kitten cheese grater foil?

nooo, don’t kill the kitten cheese grater foil! please spare the kitten cheese grater foil!


left sieeeed

I’m a democrat. No wait, i’m a moderate, no wait, i’m just a spineless wannabe republican who can’t win an election in a democratic state against a facist opponent. Dang flipflopping.

I’m so far left when I look to my right I see Noam Chompsky as a small dot quickly receeding on the horizon. From my perspective democrats are just crappy, election losing republicans, and bush is a disgrace to the republican party. He should just start the American chapter of the internationl socialist party…

i’m not really into politics
but i’m right handed (just thought you should know :p)

Left all the way! Democrats are great, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a conservative or or liberal in office.

I can’t believe i just saw someone say “Left all the way!” and then followed it with “Democrats are great…” Democrats aren’t liberals, they aren’t left, and they aren’t radical. Democrats are just wimpy republicans who can’t win elections.

Tyler, do you know what conservative means? Bush is a conservative, as is Cheney, Powell, Rice, etc. Wolfowitz even coined a term for it: Neo-conservative (AKA Neo-con, aka facist). Look those terms up, and then you’ll see how oxymoronic your statement is. Or I’ll just give you the answer now. ANyone who sees themself as left would most definitely mind a conservaitve being in office.

You guys have it all wrong what we sould be doing is going forward, not backward; upward, not downward; and always
twirling, whirling, twirling toward the future.

According to this quiz, I’m a “centrist”. I guess that means I’m in the middle.

Oops! I just meant liberal then… :smiley:

Mr. Franklin, eat shit. <see, democrats aren’t always whimpy! So, you are trying to say that democrats aren’t left? If so, you’re wrong. If you seriously think Bush is doing a good job in the white house, I think you took a pretty hard muni fall.

yep the republicrats!

Anyways, I am libertarian, which falls under extreme conservative for wanting less, not a powerful gov’t, but extreme liberal for wantiong lots of freedoms. its kind of like a “realistic, grown up anarchy”

Edit- I normally side with liberals, but they, along with conservatives can eat shit. F*** hobos- worry about yourself first.