Leaving For A While

Well since most people dislike my posts and dislike me, I am taking a break from this forum. This means no new posts or anything the only thing I will reply on is a good video and thats if it is good.

Well cya later

“Bet’ya can’t eat just one …” :smiley:

Noooooo! Dont go! Your one of the only ones who isnt all super nice and happy all the time!

hmmm I don’t think you should leave. I think all these people deciding to leave these forums lately is silly. I usually tend to enjoy your posts brock, just because some people have a problem you shouldnt leave. I think a better option would be to continue posting about helpful or interesting stuff, and just don’t get involved in any controversial threads, basically stay out of all threads where you could get into a flame war with someone. Instead keep posting about worthwhile things.
If you do decide to leave I hope you return soon.

dont worry I am not leaving forever just leaving the postin world and going to just reply for a while and maybe it wont be as long maybe just a month


do to the fact that obie told me to die him saying bye is the nicest thing he has ever said