Least views

Thanks a lot for looking; Jerk face


Least views??? Thats like totally the oppostie of most replies, and therefore evil.

TheObieOne3226 does the cha cha like a sissy girl:p

Re: Least views

Not our fault, snotnose. When your “Least Views” thread gets more interest than a post on “Shutter Speed?”, you can pretty much tell yourself: “Uhh, self? Dumb-ass idea, self…”.

If I wasn’t rooted, I’d come over there and give you a proper switching…

Re: Re: Least views


logan was bored and made a whole bunch of threads meaning nothing… this was one of them

“snotnose”???.. how old are you?

Re: Re: Least views

yes, who are you, where are you from and so on…

well, if you just glance over to the left of this writing where it says my name and info, you’ll notice it says that I live in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. Thanks )----(x) some people are so angry and serious.]


Shoulder of Fortune

Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Billy The Mountain

Re: Re: Re: Least views

It seems you’ve interpreted my comments as hostile…not my intent. Like most of my kind, I bear no malice. Some might even call me a “tree hugger” I have such a peaceful disposition.

But returning a comment in the spirit it was given, i.e. “Jerk face” in the original post, is just a way of holding a mirror up to someone. How does it look to you now?

Someone correctly commented that Logan’s threads are mostly worthless…very true. Although I have no shortage of rings, it doesn’t take an old tree to figure out he’s a snotnose kid with nothing better to do.

and has dual personalities;)

What are you talking about buddy, you don’t know me, so don’t talk about me. I don’t mind you saying I had nothing to do or to moke my random posts, but don’t talk about me. I was just messin around and you took it the wrong way. Sorry for affending you, but don’t talk big if you don’t know me. Thanks!!!


im just messin around too, dont get too offended, i mean what else are we supposed to do with these threads??

I know your messin around handyandy, it was just Ethel_The_Tree who was being rude.


this is sure getting a lot of views for a least views therad

Originally posted by Logan_A.
What are you talking about buddy, you don’t know me, so don’t talk about me. I don’t mind you saying I had nothing to do or to moke my random posts, but don’t talk about me. I was just messin around and you took it the wrong way. Sorry for affending you, but don’t talk big if you don’t know me. Thanks!!!

So if you don’t mind me saying you had nothing to do or to moke (sic) your random posts, what exactly did I say to tick you off? As far as I can tell from my last post, that section was the only part of the post where I actually was talking about you. In the other sections, I was talking to you.

PS: I wasn’t talking big. In fact, I usually talk small. Here’s an example: “There’s a small typo in your post. In your fourth sentence, “affending” should actually be spelled “offending”.”

Were my Billy a better conversationalist, perhaps I would not dally so with you…

Talking to me? I think not, “snotnose” That’s talking at me and about me, so “Big Rig” Your obviously DOn’t have; how did you put it, “your fair share of rings” if your arguing and “name calling” at a 16 year old. YOu don’t know this forum, you don’t know that I make random jokes, you don’t know that it’s inappropriate for you “a peace loving, tree drilling man” to disrespect a fellow member without do reason. So don’t overstep your bounds and Talk Big when it’s not due. JUST RELAX. And YOu have a good day Sir.:slight_smile:


so… if your so into tree’s why dont you make like a tree and SPLIT???

“Shoulder of Fortune”
are you camouflaged in blue?

Transatlantic fans maybe??

Huh? I’m just a tree…dense as, well, wood, and unable to see through your thinly-veiled sub-references.

But let’s not change the subject. Weren’t we talking about Logan’s nose?

its not a thinly-veiled sub-references, its just the name of a song…well part of a song, the song hs 5 or 6 parts