Learning to ride (without knowing how to ride a bike)

I wondered if it’s possible to learn riding a Unicycle without knowing how to ride a bicycle.
Like, is it something completely different, or should I first learn how to ride a bike before I try to learn how to unicycle?

thx for your oppinions :slight_smile:

They’re totally different skills really, in fact in another thread I’ve just been saying how it’s starting to feel like riding a unicycle has more in common with riding a horse than a bicycle.
Learning to ride a bike will only really teach you how to shove the pedals around, and I’m fairly sure you can figure that out on your own :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for your reply. Good to know, because I do know how to ride a horse!

Then remember; weight in the saddle, look where you’re going, and don’t be too scared of falling!
Other than that it seems to be a case of just get out there and do it!

(disclaimer: beginner unicyclist talking lol)

Actually, not having ridden a bike may help you learn. So many things that hindered my learning were bicycle-related. I had to unlearn things that bikes had taught me.