I just purchased a 26" Nimbus Muni and am re-learning to ride after about 35 years off - I used to unicycle when I was younger and was pretty good at it as I have stated in other threads - I’m starting this one for a couple of reasons;
1, I hope to use this to increase my accountability - my commitment is to practice daily unless I have to travel for work and can’t take my uni with me.
2, I hope this will serve to give me a realistic snapshot of my progress when and if I get discouraged.
3, I’m wanting some camaraderie - I don’t have anyone to ride with and while my youngest {22 yo} son is hanging out with me while I ride, he’s just doing it in case I incapacitate myself…my family thinks I’m nuts -
I’m sure there are some other reasons but they don’t readily come to mind at the moment - so, here goes…
Day One - Put the bad boy together and found that the seat post was too tall - I cut about 1.5 inches off and am giving it a try - still seems a bit high - I followed the instructions for measuring my inseam provided by Josh at Unicycle.com and got the 300 mm but I think I should have gotten the 200 - I will likely cut a little more off - I rode around inside the house {before my wife got home} and I found it to be both more difficult and easier than I expected - the 26" wheel is a challenge - when I was younger I had a 20" and it’s different - needless to say, free-mounting is not happening yet - in the evening my son and I took it to a tennis court near the house so I could ride - turned out to be a pretty good spot since it had the green nylon privacy stuff on the inside and I could run my hand along it without the risk of getting my fingers caught in the chain link - I was able to ride about 20 or 25 feet without holding on a couple of times but on the third try I had a UPD and pitched forward ran, fell, etc - my first road rash! - I rode a few more times up and down the length of the court and had to call it a day - I’m pretty chubby and out of shape and it wore me out -
The things I noticed/remembered from when I was a kid -
I found that I remembered being relaxed in the saddle when I was a kid and when I managed to do it now, it was way easier to balance and ride-
It seems like the ride is often about a rhythm of pedaling initially and when you break the rhythm it is easier to fall -
Even the Kris Holm Freeride seat is uncomfortable when you’re a bit on the chubby side - ok, ok, when you’re way chubby and 50 -
All in all the thing I remembered that was the most significant was how much I loved riding - I can’t remember why I gave it up -
I am working on being less “chubby”, more fit, and more flexible as well - so far, so good.