Learning how to Ride

Heyo all yins. It’s kind of been a dream of mine to learn how to ride a unicycle. Must have been all those visits to the circus (and being hypnotized by clowns…). Anyway, I never thought I could do it just trying to learn with a regular unicycle. Then I saw this beast on QVC. Any of you think it would be a worth while investment?

Just get a regular unicycle. I don’t think those are any easier to learn on. I sugest the Torker LX20. You can get them on ebay for less then $100.

Re: Learning how to Ride

I’ve ridden one (similar, not this brand), but I could already ride a uni at the time. I think it is easier to learn than a unicycle, but not very valuable as a precursor for the real thing. So the answer to your question would probably have to be
“Yes, but only if you would like that beast in itself”.

Klaas Bil

When you do get yourself a unicycle, you may want to have a look at both http://www.unicycle.2ya.com and http://www.xs4all.nl/~klaasbil/uniindex.htm for lots of tips and tutorials on learning to unicycle.

This is a document that Klaas (previous poster) and I wrote on learning to unicycle.

Good luck!


grrrrr, why do they only have skate shoes in kids sizes???

Anyways, staying with topic. I don’t think the bike will help you, once you take the front off it’s a unicycle, which is hardly anything like a bike to ride.
